Izzy Young, born in Israel Goodman Young in New York in 1928, was the man who arranged Bob Dylan’s first concert before a paying audience.

the Young opened at the end of the 1950s, the Folklore center in Greenwich Village in New York city. Where played artists like Patti Smith, Joan Baez and Tim Buckley before they became famous.

The famous Dylanspelningen took place in november 1961 at Carnegie Hall and Izzy Young shared gage with Dylan 50/50.

Izzy Young to Sweden and Stockholm where he opened his Folklore center on Wollmar Yxkullsgatan. Here arranged folkmusikälskaren concerts and sold books and cds. The centre was closed as late as in the autumn.

Izzy Young ochBob Dylan remained friends. The artist devoted several pages to the Young and his Folklore center in his autobiography “Chronicles” from 2014 – and when Dylan won the Nobel prize in literature, and in 2016 was the Young invited.

remember with the heat, ”The godfather of the people” and his relationship to Dylan.

”Izzy booked Dylan’s first concert, at Carnegie Hall in 1961. They kept sporadic contact, even then Izzy moved to Stockholm and started up the Folklore Centre in the early 70’s. The latest I heard was that Dylan only a few years ago, visited him in the store at Wollmar Yxkullsgatan, where Izzy nursed an impressive library of american folk music, and helped him to pay any unexpected bill,” writes Andersson Wij on Instagram.

on Monday night – surrounded by family, their closest friends and live music, according to her daughter, Philomène Grandin.

“He had a terrific life and got a fantastic finish,” says Philomène Grandin via the friend Lives Weisberg to the Program.

Izzy Young was 90 years old.