“Miniträdgården – a growing trend”
“Göran Greider “”
“This is a kulturartikel which is a part of Aftonbladet’s opinionsjournalistik.”
“Exhausted by the bustle of the gigantic exhibition hall can I reach to the end until miniatyrträdgårdarna – and a wonderful rest falls over me. Only now I take that it has become a trend to build small transparent gardens less than a bordshockeyspel. Moss, succulents and maybe a bonsai tree and as small houses, furniture, assets. “
“Is this the long trädgårdsboomen in its most småborgerliga variation to the end results: A small area like a human being fully rule and at the same time live out their most subtle dockhemsdrömmar in? I see me sitting there pillande with a moss green stone wall of peas or beans, and how to lummerväxt may become a large tree (which lummern once was). End with kånkandet on earth and an eternal watering! No klimatövertramp!”
“the Trends and the garden truly belongs together. This year, I feel for the first time that geraniums, which I love, nevertheless, is starting to become annoying to see everywhere. “
“So this year, I went around and looked for the most otrendiga flower I could think of: the event! The ultimate tantblomman. There is no begoniasällskap in Sweden. Abroad is the more common. And begonior found in far more earth than you might think. But trendy – no. “
“I have at home a more than half a meter high and very beautiful änglavinge, a fläckbegonia, originally from a cutting from Sara lidman’s home! Finally, I find some begoniaknölar in a stall. I hope I start a trend. Pelargonmanin start to become repetitive.”
“Jordtrenden only seem to increase in strength year by year, which is good from ekosynpunkt. The interest for what is happening in the teeming earth determines what happens above it. Bio-coal is the new. It binds carbon dioxide and nutrition, and gives momentum to the plantations. Stefan sundström’s new book, Stephen’s small, black, has just arrived from the printer and carry the title of Bokashi, bio-coal and bacteria. I think it will be read by many.”
“Last summer’s heat has got even more to look for old seed-bearing plants; biological variation is the most important life of mankind. When the agronomist Agneta Börjeson, from Röttle nature and culture, on a small table selling seeds from the ancient times arose the pure black friday-mood. “
“Greedily, I looked at the bag with the Train drivers Bergfälts jätteärta, rediscovered in the Valleys, and suddenly on everyone’s lips. It can be several meters. Artan, perhaps originally from France, got its name for just a few years ago after a long search after its Swedish history.”
“You were only allowed to buy ten peas. But all trendar. “