“The mystery that examines the existential”
“Tom Malmquist follow up his success with a novel that want very much – and he succeeds.”
“Tom Examples of a new book is difficult not to mention in the same breath as his last, dagboksromanen ”In every moment, we are still alive”, about how the spouse Karin became ill and died in connection with the birth of daughter Livia.”
“Both are in ”All the air that surrounds us”, and the material being processed is the authentic mordhistoria that Malmquist was busy at the time of the disaster, a project originates from a madeleine cookie, soaked from the 1990s, in the form of a yellowed clip from the free newspaper Mitt I Huddinge.”
“In retrospect, the project has of course been colored by the tragedy that befell the author, and probably let out the new novel can be read as a quieter cousin to the intense sorgeboken from 2015 (Nature and Culture).”
“nFörsommaren 1991 found a man, in the novel called Michael K, was brutally murdered in a cave in Huddinge, sweden, not far from the house where the author grew up. The event made a significant impression on the then trettonårige Malmquist and also got quite a large space in the press, not least in the newspaper Aftonbladet which erroneously described the man as hiv-positive: ”He got the hiv of his homosexual partner. Then cheated him out hjärtevännen in the forest and stabbed him to death. So think of the police to the mysterious murder in Huddinge went to the.””
“the Murder remains on police due to unresolved issues, and neither Malmquist manage to solve it, in spite of the closest to the obsessive efforts privatspanare. He delves not only in the Royal library tidningsarkiv, but also allows the novel is crowded with things that förundersökningsprotokoll and interviews with aged poliskommissarier and mordoffrets co-workers at the former mail terminal in the Clear.”
“Malmquist is, fortunately, murvel enough to not tread awry in this jumpande between the statements, and calls, instead submitted a sorgesam picture of a genuinely solitary man, but close friends and colleagues, seen as a hardcover and otherwise.”
“he states that reading Paul Auster recognize themselves, not only in the Examples of utredningsliknande approach, but also in the existential kind of emptiness that suggereras forward between the lines, an emptiness that also appear to me to be the novel’s main motif and gasoline.”
“the Words, the people, yes the whole world seems to hold its breath at the sight of Michael K, in order to avoid soaking and contaminated by his isolation. Not even the street where the victim lived may have left his name: ”For example, a couple of documents as an officer at the Cadastral authority has sent me. Of them indicated that the decision on the amendment of the street address Klockarevägen 10 came into effect on 4 november 1991, only five months after Michael’s death. It is as if there are forces who wish that his time on earth will be forgotten.””
“Klockarevägen 10 in Huddinge swapped for the other name to Sjödalsbacken 3A, 3B, and 3C, announces Malmquist, and called so to this day.”
“nDylika circumstantial evidence pointing towards the Intets the distribution and effects in the Stockholm region are many in the novel and evoking one if not sacred, at least grandiose anger Malmquist, an anger that proves to gurgle all the way back to my driveway, where he tonårskalv stands and pangar skater with a masonite board as the base.”
“slap shot after slap shot, and when he misses he hits his hand in the blood: ”I release the stick and the gloves, I swear not, I vankar back and forth in silence until I decide me for what punishment I should have. I stop in front of the suterränghusets wall.””
“”All the air that surrounds us” is thus a novel that wants to be very much: a novel about a novel, a uppväxtskildring, a detective story, a progress report, and follow up to a magnificent success. Some questioning and kringelikrokar about the murder too much, it becomes decidedly, but on the whole, succeed Malmquist still very well with their difficult mission.”
“nVad Mikael K is concerned, he seems interesting enough to sublimate at the same rate as the investigation progresses. The effect is Kafka-like eerie (note that the mordoffret called just for the K in the surname!), but also makes me think of the movie ”The incredible shrinking man” from 1957 (at the pinnacle Of chlorine in Swedish), about a man who to his own and the family’s horror start to shrink. Soon he is so tiny that he slips out through a mesh in the window’s mosquito net, and towards the end, he is seen helplessly tumble around in the space between the elementary particles.”
“And there we have it again: the awful emptiness that awaits us all.”
“All the air that surrounds us.”
“Albert Bonniers förlag”