– With this meager amending budget, it will still be a big shift for the red-green government’s policies. The social democrats and the Greens went to the election not to cut taxes but to improve the welfare and the climate instead. Now administrates on the contrary, the tax cuts of around sek 20 billion, and the economic policy benefits more higher-income earners than low income earners.
the Parliament voted for the Conservatives and the christian democrat budgetmotion in december. The mortgaged of the space available in the state budget for the new reforms. The government, with the new samarbetspartierna do not want and can not tear up the absolute majority of the major tax cuts M and KD did. The government, the Liberals and the Centre party, therefore, finance the most urgent reforms with the savings of that to get place with them.
” the Government Löfven has previously been drawn with a purely bourgeois budget. In december 2014 voted SD for the alliance’s budget. Löfven declared that he would call an early presidential election. ”Is it so that a different budget won a majority, then it is so that they shall take responsibility for the budget. There is no reason for it that does not have the majority to remain”. Then came the Decemberöverenskommelsen that made it possible for Löfven to continue to reign. However, finance minister Magdalena Andersson, a vårbudget at about 8 billion, now it’s only 4.5 billion. In essence, accepts the government, L and C to M and KD already decided what the scope for reform to be used to.
– After the parliament in december, the Conservatives and christian democrat budget and the governing parties later made up with C and L on the 73-point program in January is scope for reform, uneaten. New major reforms need to be paid for with tax increases or spending cuts. But it will not be easy because the Centre party and the Liberals have profiled themselves on not wanting to raise taxes, while S and MP profiles in not wanting to cut welfare or environmental policy.
– at the same time, expected the boom to fold and the pressure on health, education and social care is expected to increase substantially when the proportion of the elderly and schoolchildren is rising. In addition, most of the parliamentary parties agreed that defense spending needs to be increased significantly.
” Yes.” The green party has scored major climate measures, on the return to savings in the M – and KD-budget and flygskatten reinstated. The centre party has also wanted to bet on climate policy, and also received, among other things arbetsgivaravgiftssänkningar and high-speed internet connection. In addition, companies without a collective agreement the right to subsidies for new start jobs, which provokes the social democrats and the trade union movement. The liberals have been, among other things, a wager on the teaching assistants, as also the social democrats went to the election on the introduction. Similarly, a bet on the carer’s allowance to people who need help with breathing and feeding. It is the largest party, the social democrats, who looks to have drawn the short straw when all the actions are counted together, but the party has on the other hand, scored both statsministerposten and managed to shatter the logic of blocs.