the Domestic tv drama boom does not show sign of abating. The Tv series made an accelerated pace and in the past bigger amount.

the Phenomenon have been done in the streaming services and their competition for customers. Commercial services are doing surprisingly also in quality: the original series to grab this year’s most Venla-nominations of fiction and tv drama side.

One of Venla-the candidates are All the sins series. It produced a Ilkka over years experience sees that streaming services have brought to tv drama and feature film closer to each other.

series of quality, the decorations and the way the picture is considerably more ambitious than in the past. Costs and income have increased, in and out of the money going has grown and it shows in the quality, We said.

the incentive to support the tv series on the dealer’s Business Finland statistics, Finnish tv-series of budgets over the last years even tripled.

– In 2016 the domestic tv series of the average production budget was 3 500 per minute and in 2019, the corresponding amount was already 10 eur 200 minutes, told Business Finland product manager Merja Salonen .

all the sins of his budget was, the producer Ilkka Matilan according to the double compared to the time before streaming services. Eye’ve already found a contender.

Pekka Hiltunen a novel based on Cold Couragea is described in the Finnish Kainuu. It is Helsingin sanomat (you move to another service), Finland’s most expensive tv series, which cost 10 million euros.

Cold Courage is a subscriber of the first Finnish original series. International production was filmed in Kainuu.Tiia Korhonen / YleRahaa can become three window

the production company on the phenomenon look good. The fist series production Zodiak Finland with Elisa Entertainment this year has been the largest customer.

Before there was only one subscriber and the payer. Now is the first – and second window. The series first premiered it ordered the customer service and after another customer’s service in the second window, Zodiak finland’s ceo speak at Hyytiä describes.

Fist of the budget was four million. The first window is Elisa Entertainment and MTV works in the second window, when the series is shown later, the linear tv side.

the First and second window in addition to the money that potentially also foreign third window. The Finnish series is sold at an accelerated pace also in the international market. Among other things, All sins have been traded already to more than 30 countries.

the Phone will ring more than ever

the Boom has also benefited professionals: It has brought more work.

Earlier drama orders made on MTV and Yle and there was so little that the industry’s freelancers were unemployed. Now friikut are able to become self-employed through the years. People get to work and again to grow your professional skills, to speak at Hyytiä said.

director Alli Haapasalo made a long September prince movie in 2016, and went on maternity leave.

I was Afraid that the phone is not ringing, but it rang more than ever. The majority of offered work was the tv series, he said.

aspen salon directed the next Fist, which another director was AJ Annila. aspen salon to keep the current situation as an excellent.

If you want to make a movie, work thing you usually have to create it yourself. The Tv side of the work offered much more frequently. This is a great and active time to be the director. In the field goes well, Haapasalo said.

the Same has been noted also in the work – and the economy ministry.

the field of employment is clearly improved. Impact on employment targeting in particular the production of core tasks, light men, sound men, production of guerrilla exams. In some occupational groups such as production managers is already a shortage of, say, consult the official Petra Tarjanne .

Chike Ohanwe plays wave murtajissa.Jaani Lampinen / Yle

We Röhrin producer Ilkka We see as a possible bottleneck for the peak factor of a limited number of.

It is a bit like football in that one player makes the paints. Top talent was born, and some of them can educate.

the Need should field staff, various sub-regions to the corresponding and scriptwriters.

Much affects also the aging and younger people in the. Before this was a sexy industry, but now the schools get is less people, We said.

the Domestic content is considered the biggest story of the

in Particular, domestic drama, Fist and Sunday lunches, served in roll of products, which people are attracted to streaming services on the base.

Elisa started their own original series of five years ago. Now they have released 16, among them mm. All the sins, Bullets and the most recent Fist.

Just domestic content by Elisa entertainment in the relationship the most. The finns will want to look at the Finnish and therefore the domestic drama is done.

– for us it is a competition and differentiation factor. It pulls us new viewers and keep current, said elisa’s content business director Ani Korpela .

the series of budgets are elisa on been on the rise, and finish in four and six million. This cheaper done drama.

Also C Morella invests in the series and the Finnish sphere of life related to the topic – in the next years still more.

we bring in domestic subjects and places that are relevant to the Finnish viewer. Helsinki is Helsinki and Joensuu is Joensuu. There’s a lot that a big foreign productions are not able to offer, say, MTV’s drama the master Jani Hartikainen .

C Morella has in recent years seen among. Breakwater and Sunday lunch.

Fist is the cold war in the ranking of the spy thriller. Yle / Vesa marttinen, finland pales alongside the United states

the Market is becoming more services such as foreign Disney+ and Apple. Although the Finnish series of budgets have grown, they are nothing compared to what the world of the drama to investing and.

Variety-the publication wrote (you move to another service) in October that Apple will launch two new series, one of which price tag is 15 million dollars per episode, and another 17 million per hour. Disney is not going to stay peters worse, but envisaged as expensive productions.

the streaming services do not tell the subscriber or considered, but Netflix is a listed company and it is known to make a loss.

it Is hard to believe that anyone else would be terribly profitable, but believe the business is strong, because the series will be invested. There is a belief that the series investing is the future for an investment in, Ilkka We say.

When the competition is only growing, global tv series boom to not immediately end.

– Digital streaming services such as Netflix, HBO and Viaplay, is expected to grow nearly ten percent per year, said Business Finland product manager Merja Salonen.

Domestic tv drama, we will surely see in the future.

Added 26.11. at 11.21 information, that the Fist another director was AJ Annila.

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