Fredagsmorgonens rainy grådask over the former only Peterborough is telling for the situation. This is the ”Brexitland”, where over 60 per cent of the electorate voted in favour of a withdrawal from the EU in the referendum in 2016.

the level of Dissatisfaction is high with the government and the parliament in London could not yet satisfy the exit.

“We should have left at this point,” says conservative lokalpolitikern Shamraiz Ali – despite the fact that he himself belonged to those who kampanjade for a continued membership of the EU.

also now get a local impact. The conservative party lost three seats in the kommunfullmäktigevalet last Thursday and have now no longer the majority.

up Here it’s usually ”in normal circumstances” mean that the Labour party rather than taking over. But even arch-rivals now make a weak choice and only wins a new mandate. It creates a very unclear position, where the majority will be decided by the smaller parties might and independence.

Similar effects can be found in municipality after municipality across the country. At 10 o’clock on Friday, Swedish time, noted the news agency PA that the Tories won two new municipalities, but lost 19. The Labour party has won one, but lost three. Both parties would be even worse than expected – despite the fact that you are already pre-adopted experience a tough day of election.

” We knew that voters were dissatisfied with the way in which the Conservative party has managed Brexit, but it seems as if they also are unhappy with Labour’s actions. The voters have put pestmärken on both houses, says valexperten John Curtice, according to the Reuters news agency.

had the Tories in total lost slightly over 400 mandates around the different municipalities, while Labour lost nearly 60.

the Criticism and the demands of the changes are already strong. From both parties, with voices that emphasize the importance of now really get the internal Brexitsamtalen in case.

– There are a huge frustration, not only among our members and activists, but also from the public outside the parliament. It is a very clear message to both parties that we need to make sure to get the Brexit done, says Conservative minister Brandon Lewis to the BBC.

from the local elections: be sure to arrange for Brexit. The message is now received,” writes in his turn, the Labour party finanspolitiske spokesman John McDonnell on Twitter.

The most Brexitvilliga calls, once again, prime minister Theresa May to resign.

” We need to change. We can not continue like this. We need a ledarbyte and maybe it is now that it is time, says conservative mp and ex-minister Priti Patel to the BBC.

the winner of the Election is, instead, the liberal democrats and The greens, who on the morning of Friday together won over 300 new fullmäktigemandat.

be the party’s best ever, with a total väljarandel of up to 11 per cent. The liberal democrats seem to have recovered from the recent years of strong decline and can make their best choice since 2003.

” It’s a fantastic morning. The liberal democrats are back. I think that the voters desperately searched for a strong alternative to the conservatives and Labour who have made such a mess of everything in the last few years, ” says mp Ed Davey to the BBC.

The final results of the elections are still counted and are not expected to be ready until this evening.