Finnish ajatuspaja of the crowd might rise to a new action to the beginning of the year. Centre for Rural education to seek the ministry of education of party idea’s workshop for state assistance ajatuspaja Item. The ministry of education is currently processing applications.

at the Same time the center background was not considered ajatuspaja e2 Research has filed an application for state aid, which is distributed among research institutions.

e2 Research aims, therefore, to raise the status and jump into the well-known research institutions such as the Confederation research institute (Etla), Pellervo economic research institute (PTT) and Wage earners research institute (PT) among them.

a New centrist ajatuspaja leader will be named later, but its activities the overall responsibility for Rural education alliance. The center of the party secretary, Riikka pirkkala-quality according to the ajatuspaja would start as soon as the money decisions in the early spring made and the application approved.

– e2 has not been more in the nature of ajatuspaja and one in which we as a party would benefit. Therefore, we submitted the funding application for your idea for a workshop, Pirkkala said.

ajatuspaja you are party to important social information pilkkojia and analyze the players. They can bang fast emäpuolueen in the use of information about what’s fresh party supports the measurement of the background.

ajatuspaja of the action is more fast-paced than traditional research institutions.

voters ‘ behavior and their effects trends are the desired goods to parties. In addition pirkkala quality would like to research information on young people’s attitude to democracy.

– for Example, the green ajatuspaja is the year the research and background a system in open events, inter alia, climate change. We have the practice to buy all kinds of research listed prices from the outside.

“They no longer want to be ajatuspaja”

the ministry of Education inspector general Sami Niinimäki currently sits and his colleagues at the meetings, which deal with the grant applications, the idea of workshops. Also he considers that the center of the new ajatuspaja application in the background is just change e2 to research activities.

– e2 has sought to eliminate the ajatuspaja-list. They no longer want to be ajatuspaja, but move on to other social research of research institutions among them, Niinimäki’s guess.

e2 research company filed last year, research institution for granting state assistance. The ministry of education decided, however, that the criteria is not found sufficient, and the application was transferred to ajatuspaja of the crowd.

e2 Research director Karina Jutila told me, that his research wondering were the ministry of education for the solution.

– we were Wondering how we have been granted funding, which we have not applied for. I was wondering that do you want to restore the funding. We are not ajatuspaja we don’t make a political reference group for the work. We decided then to use the funding.

the ministry of Education money distributed by the thoughts can influence it, that the e2 mode was emerging as a new centre background ajatuspaja. The ministry of education Niinimäki admit that the e2 has changed its operations.

They have developed activities towards akateemisempia projects. Screen build with time, Niinimäki says, but he does not want to take a position on whether e2 search research institution, this time through.

e2 is established keskustatausteiseksi the idea of its, and it is hard in the public eye forget. It’s annoying Karina Jutilaa.

– e2 Research has received since last June the academy of Finland strategic research council funding. Its basis is scientific work level and social impact. We are also doing a dissertation for guidance, Jutila reminded.

for most state assistance is on the standing-for

Last year, the state aid received seven party background ajatuspajaa: e2 Research, in addition to the true finns of Finland Foundation, SDP Kalevi Sorsa foundation, the green Vision, the left alliance left the forum, the Swedish people’s party Agenda and the christian think tank Compass.

the national coalition party background Hope the application was late and the funds were left in recent years without getting.

Gambling win funds from a shared pot is 600 000 eur. The total amount has remained in the same. Ajatuspaja the most money are little varied, because of the money share reflects the parliamentary parties for the distribution of seats.

Last year the largest grant, 148 000 euros got the e2 Study, the second largest in Finland based on 103 000 and the third largest Kalevi Sorsa foundation 98 000. Lower support shared Vision (34 000), left forum (33 000) Agenda (25 000) and the think tank Compass (14 000).

for most state assistance is a condition to be able for permanent. It can cover up to 70 per cent of the total operating costs.

In 2018 published according to the survey, in 2014-2015, the state grant share of ajatuspaja of funding ranged from 25 to 75%.

party background ajatuspaja of government grants has been regarded as one sort of party support, which they in a certain way are.

Even if ajatuspaja of support is in financial terms only a fraction of party support, ajatuspaja of the background information of the importance of parties has year by year grown. Policy pace has accelerated, confrontation increased and social media has brought äkkikäänne your party of everyday life.

the ministry of Education will monitor how grant money is used. Ajatuspaja is given four, five months after the operating year, report the use of money, so what kind of societal reports and studies have been carried out or how much the sessions have drawn a crowd.

their Own survey topic would be how impressive ajatuspaja you ultimately are, for example, communication offices alongside. They study essentially the same things and hire as well as emerging young talents and experienced politicians and scientists.

ajatuspaja the next year the state allowances to decide in the end the parliament in January 2020.

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