“Slammed for Spotifymusik in the Swedish church”

“Music from the streaming service Spotify will be stopped from playing in the Swedish church, reports the P4 Kristianstad. From the first of april, the plan to use the music service to play music at such a wedding, funeral or baptism the use of any other music source.”

“Stop because Spotify decided to close down the service, Spotify Business service, which the church made use of when there have been requests for pre-recorded music, for example funerals or marriages.”

“– Underwritten subscription for the service will be terminated and no longer going to use. Then hear it to the point that the private Spotifyabonnemang, as you and I and many others may have, may not, and has never been used to perform songs or songs in public environments, ” says Anders Eriksson, stiftsjurist at Lund pin to the radio.”

“For those who in the future want to have pre-recorded music in the Swedish church, the with a egenköpt cd, or legally downloaded music.”