Underestimated the Federal Council, the danger of a return of the serious illness of tuberculosis in Switzerland? This opinion is SVP-Nationalrat Adrian Amstutz. The Bernese confronted the Federal Council with questions on the prevention of, and in connection with the Migration. In his Interpellation Amstutz writes, “that through the increased intake of asylum seekers is also the danger of the Entry of infectious diseases in Switzerland” was increased. In the experience he wants, therefore, what are the specific instructions of the Federal Council to meet asylum-seekers, arrangements of the Swiss and epidemiological legislation, clarification, Isolation, and therapy would be prior to the entry into Switzerland.

Amstutz says on request, he may see a growing risk that the wrongly defeated and was believed to be infection disease could be a Problem. “For example, if, as planned, and decided a year from 750 to 1000 refugees directly from refugee camps in Switzerland be flown.” It was clear to him “the infection protection of the people in Switzerland must come first, and the generous reception of asylum seekers”.

Increased resistance

the concern of the SVP-man Is due to the lens, or it is pre-political mood do? The Federal office for public health publishes regularly the case, the reporting pay subject to infectious disease tuberculosis, formerly called consumption. Therefore, Doctors to report every year, about 550 cases to the Federal government. In 2014, the Federal office learned of 494 new tuberculosis Sufferers in the country. In 2016, there were 587, and last year, 522. Apparently, it is warned by the Federal government. In a note to the Doctors, the BAG says: “The treatment of tuberculosis over the entire intended duration is not only worldwide, but also in Switzerland, there is a Problem.”

concern has been in the competent Federal office, but mainly because of the increasing resistance to Anti-tuberculosis drugs. Treatment discontinuations of asylum seekers represent under BAG especially a Problem when they are faced with a negative asylum decision. In a statement to the medical Profession, the Federal office writes: “at The time of a Deportation or repatriation of these patients to treatment, often for several weeks under the tuberculosis, and feel subjectively better. Treatment are inevitable crashes then, especially since the Information relating to tuberculosis may not be reliable given abroad.” The Problem had increased since the introduction of the Dublin Convention, is holding the BAG. An agreement between the Federal office of public health and the state Secretariat for Migration provides, therefore, that tuberculosis treatments in Switzerland are to be brought to an end, and regardless of the asylum decision.

7 cases per 100’000 inhabitants

As an immunologist Beda Stadler estimates the location? “I think it’s right, if you give this matter the necessary attention,” says the Emeritus Professor of the University of Bern on request. He recalled the great efforts of the past decades in the fight against the tuberculosis of border Anita-headed Posts where passengers isolated at the end of first and examined in detail, up to the vaccination, brought up in the 1980s to all the inhabitants of Switzerland, Once in the Arm. The tuberculosis is to diagnose difficult in practice, says Stadler, and adds: “It would be a great pity if these children would come back disease.”

Due to the request of the national Council Amstutz, the Federal office for health is now a strategy in today’s environment of increasing Migration and frequent travel activities of the tuberculosis risk in time and effectively had to present could be. Stadler calmed down: panic in everyday life, and fear of contamination were missed. “In the same way inappropriate, it would also be behind anyone who looks different, to suspect an outbreak.” From the Federal office of public health recorded the reporting rate is a good 7 tuberculosis cases per 100’000 inhabitants, at least manageable. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 21.12.2018, 20:29 PM