
Rishma Khubsing has been nominated for the prestigious title of Amsterdammer of the Year 2023, following in the footsteps of master Kwame Agyapong-Ntra. The award ceremony will take place on Sunday, June 23 at the DeLaMar theater. Rishma has been organizing the National Commemoration of the Dutch colonial past on May 3 since 2021, held at the Dam square. This event aims to honor all ancestors who suffered under the colonial presence of the Netherlands in 51 countries.

In her role as a clinical psychologist and psychotherapist, Rishma has witnessed the ongoing impact of colonialism on individuals, including intergenerational trauma, discrimination, and racism. She believes that through the May 3 commemoration, greater equality and inclusivity can be fostered, providing healing for those affected by colonial ideologies passed down through generations.

As a child, Rishma participated in the National Commemoration on May 4 and questioned why some ancestors were commemorated while others were not, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the equality of all individuals. By creating a space for people to address and heal from colonial mindsets and behaviors, Rishma hopes to promote inclusivity and understanding for everyone.

To support Rishma Khubsing and vote for her as Amsterdammer of the Year, visit the official website of the award. The award ceremony will take place on June 23 at 4:00 PM at the DeLaMar theater, with free admission. Tickets can be reserved online. This program is made possible by the Amsterdammer of the Year Foundation, dedicated to honoring individuals who make significant contributions to the community.