The Protest against the controversial labour law in Hungary not tears: Several thousand demonstrators on Friday evening, again through the streets of the capital, Budapest. The opposition politician called on the protesters to an expansion of the protests after the turn of the year, the trade unions threatened with a General strike. Head of government Viktor Orban spoke of “hysterical screaming” and accused the American billionaire George Soros, to Fund the government-critical rallies.

Around 5,000 protesters marched in the evening in the icy temperatures from the Parliament across the Danube to the presidential Palace. “We will expand the demonstrations,” said the head of the opposition socialist party MSZP, Bertalan Toth. Conceivable protests against companies with ties to the government party Fidesz, as well as against large corporations that benefit from the new law.

speakers at the protest rally called for to preserve the government’s critical momentum and the protests after the Christmas break. “A new Opposition was born,” said the MSZP-politician Balazs Barany in front of the protesters. The protests against Orban had United the Opposition in an unprecedented manner.

Orban: “your lies are limitless,”

Union representatives threatened with a General strike in January. “The country needs to be brought to a standstill,” cried Tamas Szucs of the teachers ‘ Union in front of the protesters. Balasz Lipusz of the students ‘ Union said: “When the workers seize the factories and the streets block, then we will go with you.”

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The liberal politician Anna Donath of the small party Momentum read out at the rally, a statement with five demands, which go beyond the withdrawal of the controversial labour law. Among other things, they demanded a withdrawal of the judicial reforms and more independence in the public media.

Hungary’s right-populist head of government, Orban rejected the criticism of the new labor law on Friday and was directed sharp attacks against the protesters. “We have heard the same hysterical screaming as we threw the IMF out of Hungary out of it, as we lowered the taxes, or the program of public Works introduced,” he told state radio. “Those who the end the world screaming, are the ones who ruin the country, and their lies are endless.”

More cities will turn to the work of the law

Orban also reiterated the allegation that the “most aggressive protesters” were paid for “by George Soros”. Soros is a prominent critic of the law national, Hungarian Prime Minister. The billionaire supported with his money worldwide efforts to promote values such as freedom of expression, transparency and a responsible government. The government is making long-sentiment against Soros.

Several Hungarian cities, and turned on Friday from Orban’s labour law. The town parliaments of Szeged and Salgotarjan resolutions adopted with the promise that the new rules do not apply.

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protests against the government of Orban, the Hungarian opposition deputies waiting in the TV channels

The new law allows employers to require their employees up to 400 Overtime hours per year, and salary payments for up to three years delay. The amendment, which was adopted on Wednesday by Parliament, and the next day, President Janos Ader signed, triggered the biggest wave of protest since Orban took office in 2010. (AFP)