Yellow Vests, epidemic Covid-19, and now protests against police violence…The tension in the country follow one another and are afraid to Rachida Dati a “convergence of crises”. The ex-keeper of the Seals, Nicolas Sarkozy has identified a factor catalyzing all of these distresses : “racism social racism of the even “more pernicious” than the one based on origin or skin colour, she denounced on BFMTV early Thursday morning. “The crisis of the Yellow Vests, what is it ? A problem of purchasing power. Don’t you think that there is a racism social vis-à-vis so-called ‘little people’, who are not small, on the contrary”, she asked.

And the candidate of The Republican (LR) at the Paris city hall to warn the government : these people-there, “which has been much needed for the health crisis”, they feel “humiliated, ill-considered, and ill-treated”. Rachida Dati sees a fertile ground of anger and draws a parallel between these different struggles of which the fire is not extinguished. “There is a convergence of crises. And the health crisis will leave many traces. Many will be at the carpet with the mass unemployment that will be created”, she warned.

“Very worried”, Rachida Dati, therefore, believes that the mobilization of Tuesday night against the police violence in Paris “goes well beyond a protest against racism.” The rally organised in the context of those organized in the United States and in other countries after the death of George Floyd, has brought together almost 20 000 demonstrators, according to the prefecture of police and in spite of the ban, before the court of Paris. Mobilized at the call of the committee of support to the family of Adama Traoré, the consolidation of first pacific, has left to pop clashes with the police. Eighteen people have been arrested over the incident. “A lot of policies say it is not serious, these people don’t vote for us, and they vote more. What is happening, and even beyond the case of Adama Traoré, this is a topic that relates to our governments”, she warned.

also read : Rally for Adama Traoré : more than 20,000 persons in Paris

If the former magistrate calls on the people to mobilize, it condemns all of even the calls “a riot”. “We, we went out without violence, simply by defending the rule of law. These protesters are calling for a state of law, consideration, respect”, she believes that to know. And ends by exhorting : “you have to stop with the racism social for all of us.”

The case of Adama Traoré “evil emmanchée, from the start,”

If Rachida Dati identifies a racism-social, she thinks also that “the French are not racist. There is no racism of state. But racism exists in France, one that is linked to the origin or colour of skin.” And for the former prosecutor of the Republic, it is obvious that “controls facies exist.” Furthermore, concerning the case of Adama Traoré, whose death following his arrest in 2016 is still debated, it is estimated that “from the outset the case was poorly emmanchée”.

The cause ? “The statements of the prosecutor”, the “skills that we did not have any knowledge of any of the following”, and “contradictory”. “Some distinguished physicians said that it was a death by asphyxiation, others have said that this was linked to a pathology. So all this has generated a lot of opacity and a lot of distrust”, is full of it. Tuesday night, a new expertise commissioned by the family has pointed to the responsibility of the constables in the death of the young man. Last week, a third medical examination ordered by the investigating judges in charge of the investigation has once again exonerated the cops of any responsibility.

also read : Case Adama Traoré : the long battle of medical opinions

Evoking the technique of plating ventral, used by the police during certain arrests, and especially at that of Adama Traoré, Rachida Dati ” think that it is necessary to review the doctrine.” Of the rest, “say the police is racist is false”, sweeps the one who wants to create a municipal police force army to Paris, arguing that the code of criminal procedure provides “a framework to stop”. “There may be a fault or it may go further” recognizes it. “But the United States and France, this is not the same story. For that, it arouses such emotion everywhere in the world, it is that at any given time, there will be the question”, she concluded about the death of George Floyd.

No commentairePaul Meirionle 04/06/2020 20:53

“the crisis in The Yellow Vests, what is it ? A problem of purchasing power. etc.”
> NO: The waistcoats-yellow, original, it is a revolt against the communist greens that deplete the mobile workers.
> It is a revolt against the propaganda city, which claims that the diesel engine, the more sober (-15 to -25% of consumption in the least), would be a problem: The particles emitted by the diesel combustion is not a problem in the city. In addition, France is 100%self-sufficient in terms of biofuel bio. It is the same situation not to do so at the expense of food production.
> The movement jackets-yellow-original mark the end of the monopoly of information top-down previously held by the mayors and the deputies.
> The movement of the waistcoats-yellow, the original is a liberal movement of people who are working and do not want to be plundered by theorists that deprive them of their investment motorized and wants to impose a tax on the additional consumption created ex nihilo by the communists, the greens in Power.
> The waistcoats-yellow, the original do not want that we return to them the purchasing power. They want to do not take. Regardless of the attempts to move this approach into a model communist, it is doomed to failure, because it is a 100% liberal.

laitde poulele 04/06/2020 20:29

And, behold, Madame Botox back angrily….

blok lerecle 04/06/2020 20:17

Ms Dati, I love you well but it is absolutely necessary that you do a detox to botox, enough is enough, seems like Platini.

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