Economy minister Bruno Le Maire, on Thursday announced in the Assembly a decree for households “fragile” access “faster” and more “long” capping of costs incident to banking, from July a “name and shame” banks who do not honour their commitments.

read also : Capping of bank charges: the government wants to protect the “faster” the “public ” fragile”

The national Assembly should reject in the day a legislative proposal to BIA to limit the fees incident to banking for all customers. But while the opposition and several associations call for measures far more restrictive, Bruno Le Maire, said the device launched at the end of 2018 for “more than 3 million people in France” regarded as “fragile” and that the cap of € 25 per month for expenses incident to banking.

The government shall specify by decree “what a customer is fragile, because today’s a blur reign”, he recognized. A client will be “considered fragile from five incidents in banking in a period of one month”, and it will have access to capping bank fees, “for three months”. And persons in a situation of over-indebtedness will be considered to be fragile for the duration of the registration file of the incidents of refund”, he added.

According to Bruno Le Maire, “these changes will lead to an increase of at least 15% of the number of our citizens benefiting from the capped fees incident to banking”. The minister announced an “update” fast “of the charter, inclusion banking and prevention of overindebtedness”, and a “decree” to define the “precise information” that the banks must provide to the Bank of France. “During the course of July,” the Bank of France “will give an account of the checks carried out”, and will publish the list of banks who do not play the game, a “name and shame” (name and brand).

The communist Stéphane Little regretted an “incantation” and the Untameable Eric Coquerel was called “a law”. In his bill, Alexis Corbière (BIA) defends “a ceiling for all clients of 2 euros per incident a bank within the limit of € 20 per month and 200 euros per year”. According to him, these fees and expenses incident to banking are a “flight”, a “scandal unjustified” that “aggravates the problems”.

also read : banks may have to suspend the bonuses in order to benefit from emergency measures

Bruno, The Mayor considered it “paradoxical” that the BIA wants to cap these fees for all households, including for the “public” more fortunate”. He also stressed the need “to protect a certain number of jobs” in the banking sector.

The editorial team conseilleComment limit your banking fees to the étranger2 commentaireslansarterle 04/06/2020 at 14:05

with a “name and shame” banks

ha the Anglicism of the French Language –
like what the Amerloques outside to impose their visions of the world and their currencies , this is the Anglicism –
it is beautiful , this is beautiful , it sounds fair to the ear , the harmony of the words , lulled not write English to pass for a very cultivated , the words, the words of the ecstasy

JEAN-NICOLASle 04/06/2020 14:04

The zigue, does he know how to speak French ?

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