The Senate is dominated by the right-wing opposition voted Tuesday on first reading a proposed law in LR to facilitate the proxy voting during the second round of municipal elections on June 28 and allow the vote by correspondence.
The text is intended to allow a single voter to hold two powers of attorney, and also provides that a voter can have a power of attorney in another municipality to vote on behalf of parents, children, siblings or spouse. For the the most fragile people, it consecrates the right to request the competent authorities to move up to their home to prepare their power of attorney.
The president of the Law commission Philippe Bas (LR), considered “absolutely essential that steps are taken to reassure” in the context of the health crisis, pointing out that there will “of the good functioning of democracy”.
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The proposed law, however, has not received the support of the government, the secretary of State to the minister of the Interior, Laurent Nunez, believing that it “contains too many measures not covered by the legislative”. He indicated that the government was preparing “currently measures by decrees and circulars”.
“We will intervene well to soften the regime of powers of attorney,” assured Mr. Nuñez, engaging in particular “to submit a draft decree before the Council of State in order to soften the device” that allows the competent authorities to move to their home to establish a power of attorney.
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As to the extent of allowing a voter to hold two proxies, Mr. Nuñez has estimated that the draft legislation for a new postponement of the second round, in the event of a deterioration of sanitary conditions by the end of June, “is a vector that is safer, more efficient, given the urgency”.
meps also voted Tuesday in committee two amendments LREM and MoDem in this sense. The bill will be discussed on June 10 in the national Assembly in public session.
Against the advice of the government, the Senate also adopted amendments to LR and PS to allow the vote by correspondence, with the terms “hyper-secure”, according to Philippe Bas.
4 commentairesF-Mle 02/06/2020 21:22
but who may be interested in the local elections ? Right or left have the same credo : take the money of citizens and redistribute it to those they have chosen to be re-elected !
Dupond the joiele 02/06/2020 21:16
And LR is committed to take the dead of the first round of elections for bass referred to policy?
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