the Architect Alvar Aalto (3.2.1898–11.5.1976) implemented in buildings, building entire new and plans to have the whole world in the scale of recognised and well-known of the modern era milestones.

Now a museum, the fca proposed that Alvar aalto’s humane, modern architecture -name of entity would be linked to national world heritage sites aieluettelo the.

Aieluettelo is a national list of items, which in the near future be presented to the Unesco international world heritage list.

helsingia located in the finlandia house is probably the best known in Finland, located in the Alvar Aalto-designed building. Laura Hyyti / Yle

the Second as a whole, the museum agency shall aieluettelo the continuation war after the settlement operations. The objects could be museum agency, according to be the rural population, small scale agriculture areas as well as urban population suntoalueita and industrial population of the settlement areas. The theme position of antiquities in the name of “Systematic settlement activity as a result of the born area during the second world war and after (1940-1954)”.

Alvar aalto’s time to

Alvar Aalto-designed Kotka Sunila city, the factory area was to provide a proposal for the world heritage list already in 1986, but run from kouvola located in Verla village village of old puuhiomo and cardboard mill, which was adopted on the fourth Finnish target world heritage list a decade later.

In 2009, Finland presented to the world heritage list of Alvar Aalto in the 1920s and early 30s designed, tuberculosis sanatorium as a known working Paimio Sanatorium.

– the Show was pulled off anyway and the world heritage committee a proposal to Alvar aalto’s life’s work based on the presentation of the expansion, told the Alvar Aalto foundation ceo** Tommi Lindh**.

Alvar and Aino Aalto designed the Paimio sanatorium, completed in 1933.Paula Koskinen / YleToistakymmentä candidates

Recently completed “Alvar aalto’s humane, modern architecture” -presentation of items not yet selected. In addition to Finnish candidates kotte as can also come from other parts of the world, for the Alvar Aalto designed a number of buildings also abroad.

the Alvar Aalto foundation has prepared a show the size of the Alvar Aalto designed buildings and building complexes on the zoning and ownership information related to the museum office.

– Item must be nationally protected, so that it can be presented to the world heritage site, told the Alvar Aalto foundation’s managing director Tommi Lindh.

He believes that it is nominated for 10-15 different buildings and items, which include what likely also Kotka Sunila city factory area.

space – clearly built Sunila was, as well as construction point of view that the position of the kaavaltaan ahead of its time. Sunila is Finland’s first annual forest city, said Lindh.

Alvar Aalto is designed by Sunila mill has been described as the world’s most beautiful factory. Yle/Eva Pursiainen

the Items can be connected to the aieluettelo only when they have passed an international building conservation and cultural environment of the nurture of expert organisations icomos’s evaluation. Ultimately, the decision aieluettelo the selected items will make the ministry of education and culture.

Finland makes aieluettelo on the basis of the Unesco world heritage committee presentation subject, which I proposed to the world heritage list. Decision may be about a year and a half after the proposal is lodged, told the museum office specialist Stefan Wessman .

Alvar Aalto-designed Three crosses church graduated from the Imatra vuoksi neck in 1957. Petri Kivimäki / YleTerasseja workers barracks in

Kotka Sunila city factory area, construction started in 1936, and the gradual completion of the whole of the last residential buildings were completed in 1954.

Sunila construction and cultural tradition is cherished in the Pro Sunila association’s chairman, architect of the Rurik Wasastjernan according to Sunila place would definitely the world heritage site of aieluettelossa.

– Sunila construction, cultural, industrial and social history form the whole of the world scale a unique entity, Wasastjerna said.

Special Sunila workers housing area also makes the fact that all the buildings don’t even show with time in the workers barracks.

In 1937, graduated from Kotka sunila by Alvar aallto designed by the plant manager of a residential house. Juliet Tillaeus / Yle

world heritage sites requires absolute autentisuutta. Part of Sunila of the building stock is to make changes that Wasastjernan according to interfere with the individual buildings look.

– however, there is a broad, unified whole and the buildings can be obtained for a relatively small investment at the original costume.

in finland, the seven items

Unesco world heritage sites there are over a thousand different parts of the world. The list will include, inter alia, the Egyptian pyramids, the Krakow city in Poland and Verla with at the same time the list of approved at the Cologne cathedral in Germany and the Hiroshima peace memorial in Japan.

Verla in Finland world heritage list, are the Old Rauma, finland castle, Petäjävesi old church, moss bay hill, Struve chain and Kvarken archipelago.

the museum agency on the website (you navigate to another service) you to explore in Finland, located in the Unesco world heritage site

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