When it is time to write a college essay, many students get desperate with this task. Nowadays, it is a common practice to write essays for scholarships, classes, or contest. If you find this task quite overwhelming to do it by yourself, you can find a specialist of essay writing for sale and ask for an assistant. However, if you plan to write yourself, you should be ready. Below, you will find general guidance. Remember that an essay is a large project with many steps which you should take into consideration. You should follow our pattern to draft a successful college essay.

The Main Steps to Write an Essay:

Pick the right topic

Sometimes, a student may have the topic assigned, or he may be given free rein to write on the subject of choice. If your professor has given you the issue, you should have a clear idea of the type of college paper that you want to write. Do you plan to write a general overview or a specific analysis? You must narrow the focus when it is possible. Always determine the purpose of your essay. Do in-depth research on the chosen topic. Every option should be evaluated properly. When it is possible, select a subject that you have already studied or you are passionate about. Despite the mission of your college essay, make sure that you find something interesting in the topic.

Prepare an outline

If you want to write a good essay, it is essential to organize all your thoughts. You must take what is already on your mind and write it down on paper. You will see the links and connections between yours. By doing this, you build the foundation for your college paper. That is why we recommend you to write an outline to organize your ideas. Write the topic at the top of your page and start listing the main ideas. Do not forget to leave some space under each idea.

Write a thesis statement

Now it is time to sort all your ideas into different categories. This is how we create a thesis statement, which aims to inform the reader what the main point of your essay is. Usually, a thesis statement consists of two parts. The first part seeks to state the topic, and the second one will reflect the significant point of your essay.

Write the body of your essay

When you write the body of your essay, make sure that it describes and explains the main topic. Every idea you wrote in the outline has to be placed separately in sections. Every paragraph must have the same structure. You can start by writing one of the main ideas as the introductory sentence. Then you can write every supporting idea in a particular sentence format. We recommend you to leave a few lines in between your point in case you decide to come back to provide some additional details.

Write the introduction of your essay

Now the thesis statement and the overall body are developed, it is time to write an introduction. It has to attract the attention of your reader’s, as well as demonstrate the main focus of your college essay. It is better to use dialogues, some shocking information, interesting stories, famous quotes to summarize your topic. You can play with different angles before you make the final decision. The most important it has to fit your thesis statement.

Write the conclusion of your essay

The conclusion is a very important part of your college essay. It is supposed to bring closure of the main topic and summarize up all your ideas. You have to provide the final perspective on your essay topic. You must include three to five sentences into your conclusion. You can review the main points and, when needed, you can also reinforce the essay thesis.

Add the finishing touch to your essay

Once the conclusion is done, it is time to think about completing your essay. Every little detail should be taken into consideration. You have to review the order of all the paragraphs. Make sure that you include the strongest points into the first and last paragraphs within the body of your essay. Check if every paragraph order makes sense. For example, when you want to describe a particular process, make sure that the needed paragraphs fall in the right order.


Always follow the instructions for your college essay, which are given by your professor. Do not forget that some teachers or scholarship may require different formats. Therefore, check those instructions a few times to be sure. Always review your written text. Reread it several times to make sure that all sentences flow smoothly. When it is needed, you can always add some phrases to make the connection between your ideas and thoughts better. Finally, the grammar and spelling mistakes have to be reviewed appropriately.

You have just finished writing an engaging conclusion that summarizes your key points perfectly and have gone through and added your finishing touches. The final step to completing a high-quality essay is to run it through a grammar check. Writer has a free grammar check tool which uses AI to proofread your work for any grammatical or spelling errors you may have missed. Just copy and paste your essay into the checker on your web browser and let the application scan over the content for you. It’s like having a professor go through your work before you have even submitted it! Writer will highlight anything that needs correcting but will also highlight and suggest words or phrases that could be improved.