the Swedish defence policy has for the past 20 years has been irresponsible. The development of Russia is deeply disturbing and we must now make a strong reinforcement of the Swedish armed forces, says Jan Björklund.

With less than two weeks left to Försvarsberedningens final report gives Björklund as the first leader in the battle of the defence appropriations in the years 2021-2025.

– Unfortunately, the parliamentary defense bill passed for 2015, a disappointment. It had low ambition and were underfunded. Now, there needs to be proper rehabilitation, requires Jan Björklund.

in its final report on 14 may ahead of the next parliamentary decision in 2020. The preparation has been assumed that defence spending should increase from the current 1.0 per cent of gross domestic product (gdp) to 1.5 percent. In money, an increase from 54 billion in the year to approximately 84 billion by the year 2025.

Read more: the Government does not want to make up for the defence.

the Liberal party leader Jan Björklund. Photo: Allis Nettréus

The bourgeois and The sweden democrats supports this step-by-step increase, while defense minister Peter Hultqvist (S) want to wait to make up for the defence. But now they raise the Liberals stake.

– Försvarsberedningens main options on the 1.5% we can accept as an interim target. But before this dream by 2020, it must already pronounced that 2% is the target in the second half of the 20th century, we say to 2028.

” We are prepared to participate in a defense bill passed, but only if we are agree with that 2% target, condition Jan Björklund.

” Yes.” But then the government find themselves in to be overruled in parliament. My assessment is that there is a majority in parliament who want to have 1.5 per cent in the near future and judging by the statements of the election campaign is also to reach 2 per cent a few years later. Then we can press the government to it, answer Jan Björklund and develop their reasoning.

– It is not that the social democrats want this, but they also don’t want to lose in parliament. It would be incredibly embarrassing for the government if they get run over in a defense bill passed. It came by in 1936, then resigned the government.

– I assume that the government is looking for consensus, but it requires that they have to screw up the ambitions, requires L-leader.

questioned recently in parliament that the percentage of gdp to control defence spending. If gdp drops, as in Greece for a few years, so would the defense get less money.

” It’s an excuse that they do not want to give more to the defense. There has never been any problem to have the 1% target for aid. When the whole western world put up a target of 2 per cent to defence, it is reasonable to accede to it, ” says Jan Björklund.

the Liberals ‘ higher ambition to go to fix up a number of units around Sweden. Anti-Patriot-robots doubled to defend Stockholm, all 160 gripen aircraft is preserved and more new submarines are needed. In addition to the three armébrigader (in Boden, sweden, Skövde, Lund, sweden) want the Liberals have five (Stockholm and Visby).

to be able to be the host of the Nato-dressing is required defense in the areas where the help could come in, according to the Liberals. The case of the Gothenburg area and central Norrland, where a new arméstridsgrupp are set up.

On the DN’s questions about how the Liberals will fund the double defence spending responds Jan Björklund:

– We have made the priorities, and have had slightly less tax cuts than the Conservatives, because we put the money on the defence.

Read more: but the party requires the notice of the Leaves on the defense

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