The lady lions ‘ Riikka Salli does not address coagulation signs.The lady lions ‘ 45-year-old steel woman Riikka Salli told me his secret IL-TV

, 45, glow with a smile.

– it’s been really nice to play. I am grateful that I still can and I get to be here with, Sallinen said, espoo, finland the world championship games of the rate.

And he’s no washed-up or just a mother figure in the role, but the dimensions need to be the number one centre of Finland success in chasing the team.

the Three after the match, the National power balance is 0+3.

– it seems to Me that a younger age I might have been a better move, but now I know how to use more the head and make rational decisions.

the Physical properties, i.e. strength, speed and durability are at a good level.

the world cup in 1990

National (os. Nieminen, ent. Between) career inconceivability of showing it, that she played in the women’s first world championships in 1990. The vast majority of the Finnish nykyjoukkueesta wasn’t even born.

the Championship was played in Canada, later Ottawa senators was using the hall.

– as a little girl I couldn’t imagine anything like that, because they didn’t have any international operations, 1973, in Jyväskylä, born Sallinen said.

Then suddenly came the knowledge that now let’s get women to organise major competitions. The first race was nicely organized. The hall was full.

the National shooting championships in eight goals. Finland won the bronze medal.

the first world cup in their National played in 1992 in Tampere – so 27 years ago.

Their race is just such a pioneer. But the home games are home games. Be in a familiar environment and know that most of the audience to encourage us.

Espoo previous one, in 1999, the world cup remained Salliselta between knee injury.

they made me do a big surgery in the autumn of 1998. Knee I’ve had a headache – but not anymore for many years.

“Some kind of joke…”Nagano 1998 olympics hurtle young Riikka Nieminen. AOP

the National have gaming completely break the years 2003-13. Season 2012-13 he asked the lady lions as a team leader, which he agreed to.

I Was close to the team and I got the sense that the mood, he painted.

I had No idea that I would return to doing. Someone vitsihän it was at first, but I took it maybe too seriously, Sallinen says with a laugh.

the Magnificent, after a long career of telling it, too, that National has represented Finland in three different names. In nagano hurtle Riikka Nieminen, Pyeongchangin returned with a bronze medal around the neck Riikka Between and now espoo, finland the world championship games in operated by Riikka Salli.

Pyeongchangin of the world cup after the divorce I experienced Riikka remarried to an actor and theatre director known as Petteri Sallinen .

– It is life and this is how things are going, Riikka Salli said.

I’m currently very happy that things are this way. I’m people the same. The name is what it is now. And the name has been what it has been.

do you Still continue?

the Big question is, will the summer of 46 years have a National still continue playing.

I Do these races after the decision. I give it a little time.


I must have a kind of feeling, that has a burning desire to do this. I’m motivated, I want to practice, I want to play and I feel that I can become even better, the mother of three children said.

Riikka National has achieved in his career two olympic bronze medals and six world cup-bronze. KIMMO BRANDT / AOP