“Nor I contemplate that arrives or I hope nobody is thinking,” said Diaz on Tuesday, before visiting a factory canning in Isla Cristina (Huelva), about a possible blockage from the three December. The president andalusian warned to PP and Citizens about the temptation to hinder the formation of a Government. “If you add up, Citizens has already said that he will rule the PP, but if they don’t add up, not to block, if you do not have enough votes, they will have to stop government”, he noted.

All the polls give the PSOE a victory by more than 10 points in respect of the following and bahis siteleri they also agree that a coalition of the PP and Citizens would not be enough to oust the socialists from power. So, the inauguration of Díaz would remain in the hands of Forward Andalucia. Their leader, Teresa Rodríguez, has never hidden that he will support the appointment of the socialist leader if he wins the next 2 December, provided that the rights, as referred to popular, and Citizens, try to form a government of their own. Your vote will depend on the number of seats that the alliance between Can and IU get. That is to say, if you add up enough for abstention, not to support the candidate of the PSOE to the re-election.

MORE INFORMATION PACO BRIDGES THE COUNTRY The PP and Citizens strive to be submitted as a warranty replacement Sánchez and Díaz called for the mobilization to prevent “blocking of the right-handed Rivera asks the PP to clarify if you will give her your support if you add up to evict Díaz

Although the support of Forward Andalusia is taken for granted in the PSOE, are wary of the conditions that may be imposed and neither will rule out a spin motivated by the strategic needs of we Can before a possible advance of the general, that could lead to the repetition of the elections in the autonomous region. “It is a possibility very remote, but occur hurt clearly to the rest of the matches”, they argue from the socialist education. Diaz appeals to the phantom of the blockade to mobilize their electorate and to avoid that, to give the certainty of victory, not vote.

Neither Rodriguez nor his running mate Antonio Maíllo speak of pacts for the time being. They cling to the motto: “We are the progressive alternative to the susanismo”. The vice presidential candidate, at a rally in Benalmadena, went on to say that socialism was in their training. It is his way of marking differences between the president of the Board and the PSOE in search of voters disaffected with the alliance of three and a half years with the Citizens in Andalusia. For this reason, it does not value one of the convictions most staunch of his Avrupabet opponents: Forward Andalusia will come in a future Executive to change the head of Diaz. From the campaign explaining that they have never made that condition. Any requirement that might arise will be after the December 2, looking for agreements on time, not a governmental agreement, to approve measures that “improve the conditions of life of the people”.

PP and Citizens, they keep their cards

From the PP, its candidate, Juan Manuel Moreno, avoided venturing about the effects it might have on the popular the possible coincidence of the general with the local elections in may. “As we do not know of the covenants post-election is impossible to predict if there will be a lock and if this would go on until may. There is still a horizon clearing”, held from Granada. For Moreno, the scenario post-election is still very green. “In Andalusia we have a Parliament which will be out very fractionated with four political forces are matched and the set of pacts can give majority different. There may be a majority of the change or a majority socialcomunista, let’s see what happens,” he said.

Citizens is more clear about the effects of a possible advance of the general election in the covenants that necessarily, if it is to meet the forecasts of the polls, you will have to be forged after the 2 December. The party that first said that if he had to go to new elections, they do not prevent, does not believe that go to a crash occur, as is in charge of alerting Diaz. That is the strategy that Citizens interpreted using the president andalusian to ask for a ample majority at the polls, but the formation of John Marin does not dispel the possibility of a repetition of elections.

Diaz said he has not spoken with Sanchez about a possible advance of elections and split with the reasons that the socialist leader could decide not to deplete your legislature with those which motivated the convening of the andalusian. “Here were a few different circumstances, had stability, investments…,” he said. At the rally set that both leaders offered last Sunday in Chiclana (Cadiz), Sanchez assured that Andalucía would open up the path of victories to the socialist, but a long term blockade could affect expectations of good results if there is a “super Sunday” of elections.

on The 27th of December it is planned that a meeting of the andalusian Parliament to elect their president. The fragmentation of the hemicycle of the Five Wounds can complicate that first choice. If you come later, possibly with the imposition of any candidate by the coalition, we Can and UI, this would set up the first session for the debate of investiture, and, from the first vote, it would open a period of two months for the election of the president of the Board, with all the sessions that are deemed necessary.

The socialist candidate appeals to the stability. “I hope that we will be working in January”, he said showing his hope that, after the November 27, to perform the processing of the endowment as soon as possible. But even if it could form a government, the atomization parliamentary offers a panorama very complicated.

With information of Ana Marcos, Elsa García de Blas and Javier Martín-Arroyo.