The minister of Foreign Affairs, Josep Borrell, has insisted on Monday in a “casual” meeting that held over the weekend in Abu Dhabi Juan Carlos I and the crown prince arabia, Mohamed bin Salman, wrapped up in the controversy over the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Borrell has said that the Government “is not responsible for the agenda of the King emeritus”.

MORE king Juan Carlos agrees with the controversial prince Bin Salman in the farewell of Alonso, The CIA concludes that the crown prince arabia ordered the death of journalist Khashoggi Spain avoided joining the line more critical of Saudi Arabia

Borrell explained that the greeting between Juan Carlos I and the heir to arabia occurred during the celebration of a championship of Formula 1 in which the Spanish driver Fernando Alonso was leaving the competition. “I don’t have information about the chance encounter between the King emeritus and the prince [Mohamed bin Salman] in the context of a sporting competition”, pointed the head of the Spanish diplomacy in a joint press conference with his German counterpart, Heiko Maas.

Borrell has made it clear that he was not aware that you were to produce that greeting “casual and non-causal”, collected in a photo that has unleashed strong criticism by the direct involvement of the CIA in Mohamed bin Salman in the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Consulate of saudi arabia in Istanbul (Turkey).

After stating that the Savoybetting Executive “is not responsible” of the agenda of Juan Carlos I, has added that it lacks more information. “Neither had before, nor during, nor do I think the have after,” he insisted.

Borrell has taken the opportunity to recall that since the crisis by the sale of weapons to Saudi Arabia “there have been no new agreements” to sell military equipment to this country, although there are “requests of different companies.” The minister has revealed that the Government is working on a “follow up protocol” to achieve a “greater control” on the sale of arms, “when it happens”. The minister has reminded us that there is no international prohibition of selling weapons to Saudi Arabia, even though the death of Khashoggi has been a debate about it.

The German minister of Foreign Affairs, has explained that Germany has decided to suspend its contracts with Saudi Arabia while it has not concluded the investigation into the murder of Khashoggi and continue the war in Yemen. Germany has suspended the approvals that were in force and will not give new. He has also expressed that it comes to the decisions to be taken by “every country” within their responsibilities and that all have an interest in it is fully clarified the murder of the journalist.