The extreme right is no longer just a ghost that goes long in each Spanish appointment with the polls. This Sunday has emerged with the entry of Vox Camera in andalusia. Since Blas Piñar leave his seat in the Congress of Deputies in 1982, no force of these features had returned to stomp a Parliament of the country. A tradition that was broken this 2 of December, after 36 years. With a 98.9% of the ballots counted, the formation led by Santiago Abascal has added more than 391.000 votes (10.9 per cent) and has secured 12 meps. Has exceeded all the expectations. “Viva la resistance!”, have shouted in the hotel from which has followed the election night.

The axes that have structured the discourse of Vox have been very clear: nationalism, Spanish antiindependentismo, messages against immigration, the law of historical memory, and the law against domestic violence; in addition to constant praise on the security forces and the Army. Marine Le Pen, leader of National group (the old National Front in French), has congratulated the force of the extreme right in spain: “My warmest congratulations to our friends at the Vox, that this night they get a result very significant for a young and dynamic movement” has written in Twitter. On the other hand, journalists of Context and The Sixth have denounced that have not allowed you to enter in the reserved hotel to continue the count.

Although he has obtained seats in all the provinces, Vox has achieved its best result in Almeria, where he has broken through as a third force. With two deputies in this area, has gained more than 40,000 votes (16.8%) and, in addition, in the municipality of el Ejido, where the ultra training has focused part of its efforts, has left the polls as the first party: almost 8,000 ballots (to 29.5%). He has also drawn two parliamentarians in Cadiz (55,000 votes, an 11.2%), Malaga (about 70,000,11%) and Seville (92.000, 10%). And one in Córdoba (34.000, 9%), Grenada (45.000, 11%), Huelva (17.000, 8%) and Jaén (27.000, 8%).


The left lost the majority in Andalusia, The PP is declared euphoric and willing to make a pact with Vox Susana Diaz down to the ground socialist

“We have the key to throw the socialists corrupt,” he shouted Abascal, after knowing the results, in a room at a hotel crowded and where were heard cries of “viva España” and “Puigdemont, to prison”, among others. The leader of the Vox also has attacked the PP, which has been defined as the “useless” who have not done anything in Andalusia in 36 years. “We’re going to lead the reconquista”, has continued to Francisco Serrano, head of party list this December 2: “Thanks to Vox has been completed, groundhog day in Andalusia”, which has been apostilled, in reference to which the left has lost the absolute majority.

From the beginning, Vox has raised this election in key national. He was convinced that a good result this Sunday you can catapult in the round of elections looming in 2019: european, municipal and autonomous —without ruling out a possible advance of the general—. “We want to encourage the involvement of all the andalusian. The polls can change everything. We are facing a historic day, not only in Andalusia, but for the whole of Spain”, defended Santiago Abascal on Sunday morning in the college, Sister Angela of the Cross of Seville, to where she is escorted to vote for Francisco Serrano, judge on leave of absence. “Voters think in Andalusia and in Spain. Here we are all for one, and all and one to Spain”, has also repeated the candidate.

The formation of the extreme right has entered the state Parliament without having to count, even with a government program for the community. Just has exhibited at these days the 100 points that he presented in the Palacio Vistalegre (Madrid) for the whole country. A plan which proposes, in addition to the criminalization of illegal immigrants, abolish the regional Chamber in which he now enters, and that, on the basis of the electoral laws, will Showbahis bring funds to your activity. In the ranks of the party argue that its rise is due to that “it has been connected with a very important part of the electorate andalusian”: “We have touched on the points that really cares”.

Vox has gained weight in the campaign as the days went by. To such an extent that it has become the protagonist of one of the few incidents that have happened during the day. Two of their agents have been heckled to Susana Diaz when he has gone to the vote: “Forty years stealing”, “Susanita, you run out of plum” or “Susan, enchúfame,” he said, before the formation of the extreme-right has announced that the had section subsequently her work for “conduct unbecoming on the day of the vote.”

the rest of The forces looked to Vox askance at start of campaign. Trying to avoid it. But his appearance in the CIS of mid-November, which gave them a seat, assured him of prominence. On one side, the left used its boom to call to mobilization —both Susana Diaz as Teresa Rodriguez have been presented as the “dam” of the far right. In the other, PP and Citizens, who also play in the ideological spectrum of the right, they passed on, not to mention it much to ask to accept your votes to get to the PSOE of the palace of San Telmo, headquarters of the Presidency of the regional Executive.

Contrary to abortion and gay marriage, the party of the extreme right has focused much of its attacks on immigrants and muslims. And it has exploited that strategy. “Vox has been the party that has marked the political debate in these elections. We have put on the table to control the borders and stop the invasion of illegal immigration,” said Javier Ortega, secretary-general of the training, after learning of the first estimates. “They are an invasion coming to take our place” was repeated also their leaders at the rallies, which have not been spared xenophobic messages.

Because that is the backbone of their proposals. Among other measures, the party wants to leave without papers, without health care, and speaks of raising an “impervious wall” in Ceuta and Melilla —an initiative similar to the one driven by Donald Trump on the border between Mexico and the united States. It also speaks of suspending the Schengen area while pro-independence leaders fled from justice in other countries of Europe; to close the regional television channels; lowering taxes, especially for those who have higher incomes; to liberalize the land; promoting a law for the protection of bullfighting and abolish the law against male violence. Those are their priorities.

On the avenida Kansas City in Seville, where the hotel is located from where the leaders of Vox have followed the election night, stands a small statue of an indian-americanus to horse, which was exhibited at the Us pavilion during the Expo 92 and it ended up donated to the city as a symbol of the twinning between the andalusian capital and the american city. With the hand over the eyes, the sculpture scanning the horizon. “The explorer will be with us to survey the future,” said Alejandro Rojas-Marcos, the mayor of Seville when it first opened in the nineties. So are this Sunday many. Looking to the future and wondering if the boom Vox is timely or involves the landing standing of the extreme right in the institutions.

The better result of the training, in Almería

Vox has increased its support in total in Andalucia up to 395.000 votes (10,95% and 12 seats), multiplying 46 times 8.341 ballots two years ago in the general in that community, and getting representation in all the provinces. The case is more eye-catching it reaped with its two mps from the autonomous region in Almeria, with 42.300 votes (nearly 17%) and where it is aúpa to the third position ahead of Citizens. Vox, in addition, is located in the first position in the municipality of el Ejido with 7.377 vote (29,51%). In Roquetas de Mar, one of the tourist enclaves chief of the province, Vox almost dispute the PP in the first place. Popular expire in that municipality with 7.495 votes (25,38%) by 6.661 Vox (22,55%).