The extreme right achieved his first great electoral success in a democracy, The socialists are sinking in Andalusia and the right wing erupts in Spain in The golden dawn of the far right

Vox has achieved to enter as a cyclone in the Parliament of Andalusia with a unique program for the whole of Spain, without a single specific point for the region, for this strength of the ultra-right rejects the autonomous State enshrined in the Constitution and does not believe in the electoral system that has reported almost 400,000 votes and 12 seats in the old Hospital of the Five Wounds (seat of the legislative andaluz, Sevilla). With that program out of 100 points, line populist, with echoes of Donald Trump (for a wall “impassable” for Ceuta and Melilla), is that the candidate of Vox to the chair of the Board, Francisco Serrano, you want to start from the south, “the reconquista”, as he said last night during the celebration of the results that have rocked Spanish politics. This is the philosophy basic of Vox, the party itself summarizes in its “100 steps to the Spain alive” and that condenses in a pasquín of ten main lines of what he calls “a single programme for the whole of Spain”:

The Spain that they want. Vox rejects the autonomous State, and it does so in the cited executive summary: “the Unity of Spain . we will enforce our Constitution, the immediate suspension of the autonomy of Catalonia and the processing of the rebels in the coup separatist”. The point 6 of the 100 measures leaves no doubt about his rejection of the current political configuration of Spain and how you intend to change it: “to Transform the autonomous State under the rule of law unit, which promotes equality and solidarity in a time of privileges and the division. A single Government and a single Parliament for the whole of Spain. As a prior step: immediate return to the State of the powers of Education, Health, Security and Justice by limiting the ability of legislative autonomic”. The party wants to, in parallel, run a “comprehensive plan for knowledge, dissemination and protection of national identity and of the contribution of Spain to the civilization and universal history, with special attention to the deeds and exploits of our national heroes”. In this line thick, he adds that his goal is “to put the needs of Spain and of the spaniards to the interests of oligarchies, chiefs, lobbies or supranational organizations”.

Not the law of gender-based violence. The force of right-wing advocates for the repeal of the law that protects women, and he proposes with this statement: “Repeal of the law of gender-based violence and of any rule that discriminates against one sex from another. In its place, promulgate a law on domestic violence to protect equally the elderly, men, women and children. Suppression of bodies, radical feminist, grantees, persecution effective of false allegations. Child protection in divorce proceedings”. In this line seeks to create a “Ministry of Family” from which to enact an “organic law of protection of the natural family is recognized as an institution above the State.”

No to immigration. The summary that make it is easy: “to Control immigration in function of the needs of the national economy and the ability of those who come to integrate and accept our values.” The right-wing are advocating for the deportation to their countries of origin of all the “illegal” immigrants, and proposes to prosecute the Kaçak Bahis Siteleri NGOS that help the entry of irregular. But if the immigrant enters in way not regulated in a supposed Spanish Vox, will be ‘ incapacitated for life to legalize their status and, therefore, receive any kind of help from the Administration.” The roots, moreover, does not consider a way to regulate immigration, that the formation of Santiago Abascal want to confront as well: “The immigration is likely to be faced attending to the needs of the Spanish economy and the capacity of integration of the immigrant. Established origination fees, while paying special attention to the nationalities that share language and important ties of friendship and culture with Spain”.

Summary of the ideology of Vox, the website of the formation of the ultra-right.

Elimination of the Senate and the Constitutional Court. Is one of the leading measures which have “cut the waste”, even though every proposal is just an outline thickness. “Out autonomies, cutting political costs, charges finger, advisors, official cars, subsidies to political parties, trade unions, business organisations. Close the Senate,” says the executive summary. But also in the overall program calls for the reform of the electoral system, with some members elected in a single district national; eliminating any system of quotas. Even proposed in their plan of reform, the suppression of the Constitutional Court, whose functions would assume the sixth chamber of the Supreme Court

Education and Health . “A single educational system and health care, with the same rights in all the national territory to ensure that all the spaniards be free and equal in rights and public benefits”. Vox also wants to introduce examinations at the end of each cycle normative “level of knowledge of the Spanish language”. In this line, defends a law for the protection of the bullfight and another of the hunting. In addition, he wants the parents to give express permission for that schools teach children “values, ethical, social, civic, moral or sexual”.

Taxes, what taxes? , Or as it says Vox, “taxes, minimum”. Proposes to lower the income TAX to a single rate of 21% with the first € 12,000 exempt, over 3,000 per child or dependent, “which will provide an increase of 250 euros per month in salaries and pensions”, justifies. Vox claim the tax reduction for companies, but also down, as a minimum, the real estate tax (IBI) for families with children, check out the taxes for the invoice of the light and abolish taxes such as the estate, probate or capital gains municipal. In addition, it also defends “lower the share of self-employed persons”.

anti-corruption . “Delete the pardon, hardening of the penalties in the Criminal Code for corrupt, a Judiciary of a national scope, independent and professional,” says the program, which adds that he wants to criminalize the waste of public in the Criminal Code.

islamic Fundamentalism. Vox calls “the closure of mosques fundamentalists”, the “regaining control of our borders. Detention and expulsion of imams and extremist reciprocity religious with países islamic. Not at the entrance of Turkey into the EU,” he summarizes. Vox also wants Spain to participate in “military missions to combat the threat of jihadist” and bet by the suspension of the Schengen area, as well as by “raising up an impervious wall in Ceuta and Melilla”. The training claims to Gibraltar and to “reclaim our weight in Europe and the world. The weight that our population, economy, and history, deserve, taking control of our sovereignty in that which affects us directly”.