The electoral program of Vox —the 100 measures presented in Vistalegre (Madrid), the elections in Andalusia have been busy with one specific— includes black-on-white, the repeal of the act of gender-based violence “and of any rule that discriminates against one sex to another”, the rejection of the abortion covered by public health, the lists peer-to-peer of the parties and requests the suppression of “organisms radical feminist subsidized”. The ideology of this party, which has gone from zero to 12 seats in the andalusian Parliament, means cuts of rights and strode back in what has been achieved in recent decades by the feminist movement. “They are proposals of a fascist society that does not recognize women as subjects of law”, values Justa Montero, a feminist of wide experience and one of the driving forces behind the strike feminist of the 8M, the call that brought millions of women to the streets last spring. “This is not the change that needs to Andalusia neither women nor men, nor anyone else,” espeta Lucia Aviles, spokesman of Women Judges.

“This reset patriarchal arrasaría not only with the rights of women, but also with the collective LGTBIQ and, in general, of all people,” explains Aviles. Vox proposes to eliminate the Organic Law on Integrated Protection Measures against Gender-based Violence, and advocate a “law of domestic violence” without distinction between men and women despite the numbers of murders macho —since 2003, we started to collect official data, 947 women have been murdered by their partners or ex-partners, 46 in 2018—; ending with equal marriage, which placed Spain in 2005 as the most advanced country on the planet to allow, in addition, the adoption; and defends the “persecution effective” of the false allegations of gender-based violence, when both the State Attorney General’s office and the General Council of the Judiciary remind us that represent the 0.1% of the total.

it Is an open case-and in particular its head of list in Andalusia, Francisco Serrano, who has questioned on more than one occasion to women who report and the law of violence of gender in various public appearances. “Is the man most visible and combative against the laws that have led to advances for women,” says the vice-president of Themis and the president of the commission of Equality of the PSOE, Altamira Gonzalo, who has had a front as a lawyer in his defense of victims of gender-based violence. “The women we gamble everything with this party. With his arrival, a Parliament begins a trajectory that we don’t know how it will end,” adds Gonzalo.

Against the advance of the feminist movement

Silvia Clavería, political scientist and expert in gender, it speaks of how this “appetizer” of the new policy may be “a short cut of what could have been”. “It is not only what they include among their measures, but what you leave out, and this gives us an idea of how they would respond to each specific situation. And it is not so much who wins Vox as that other yes that can get to the power more feasible to take part of that programme; there is the PP, for example, which has seen its support and go to the extreme right”.

“This view places women as beings of the second category, and gives fuel to those who are watching threaten their power structures. Want to end up with all the conquests acquired,” adds Aviles. The expert believes that this may determine that what has been achieved in terms of gender perspective is diminished: “in The end, birth and being a woman will continue to be a risk factor in Andalusia and, in addition, may be consolidated via institutional violence against which we fight. All the work and effort invested in promoting the education in gender perspective in the judiciary, protected by european courts and international, may be in danger.”

The General Council of the Judiciary turned to Francisco Serrano of the judicial career after being convicted of trespass in 2011 by the Supreme Court. Modified the visitation of a minor child without giving hearing to the mother. Serrano is waiting for the resource that brought in the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg on his disqualification, which he considers illegal. The defense of joint custody as a general rule is another measure that defends Vox, which advocates for “protecting the right of minors to build a relationship with both parents” without considering the cases of conviction for child abuse.

For Miguel Lorente, Government delegate for Gender-based Violence with the former president José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, this is Betvole the recovery of an identity based on what that culture has been marked historically and the evolution of the machismo in order to adapt to the new circumstances, imbued with a strong and growing feminist consciousness. “Traditional values are closely linked, above all, emotionally, what it represents Vox, where the reference is to the white man, heterosexual and with a certain status. The machismo is xenophobic and homophobic, and is based on the I am I and you not you’re just different but inferior.” Here, for the expert in gender-based violence, enters the game of the “anti -”: “is Not so much the construction of an idea how to play with the opposition to what they see as the natural order of things”. Hence, he says, to fight against marriage equality, the position of women in spaces of power or outside the scope of the home and motherhood. “With this there will be an inequality manifested, objective and lawful, a structural discrimination, formal that we would go back to before 1975, with an authoritarian imposition of a model of coexistence based on the identity top of certain men, denying the contribution of feminism, and taking as unacceptable the progress of the last half-century: abortion, equal marriage, equality law, fees, etc”.

Vox proposes to abolish quotas on the electoral lists that have enabled the generalisation of the presence of women in parties and Parliaments, after the equality act of 2007, included the obligation of a 40% minimum representation of each gender. “Each party shall develop according to the decisions of their members,” says the formation of the extreme-right in your program. Justa Montero believes that the tenets of this party, now with parliamentary representation, should cause “to trigger all alarms within feminism. It is a proposal of a society hostile to women that it takes away fundamental rights,” says Lorente.


Francisco Serrano, the judge holocaust denier scourge of feminism to The extreme right emerges in Andalusia: Vox get 12 mps 12 mps andalusian Vox: eight men and four women

Also promulgates suprimir of public health interventions, such as change of sex or abortion, which it considers “beyond health”. Against abortion free, conquered by the Spanish women during the first 14 weeks of pregnancy in the law of 2010, the party of Santiago Abascal proposes a “defense of life from conception until natural death.” “It is critical that women with unplanned pregnancy with truthful information, assistance and alternatives”, adds training.

The only postulate of your program in which you share philosophy with a broad sector of the feminist movement is in the prohibition of the wombs of rent, which assumes that a woman came a child whose maternity and paternity gives to other people. This practice, also known as gestational surrogacy, has its best ally in Citizens, one of the potential partners in the Government of andalusia, Vox.

Rosa Cobo, professor of Sociology of Gender, University of A Coruña, described the advance of the extreme right: “They feed off of uncertainty and insecurity about the future, corruption, and the inability to bear to the left to support or promote social movements that, in this case, to strengthen women as subjects”. The neofascismos, so you prefer to call it the sociologist, they have a feature “of great concern” from the perspective of the rights of women: “Have the firm belief that we are social beings and biological inferior to men, are considered to be essentially breeders and our natural place is that of the patriarchal family, on the idea of male authority in public and in private, and resets the model of the family that was so strong during the fascism”. In all their models of society, expands, women hold places of subalternity. “To combat that there is no other that what it said on Pepe Mujica: ‘If we lose, we have to start again because there is no other”.