Founded around 2010 by Dr. Glady, BI(G)MED is a method that takes a holistic approach to restoring self-regulatory processes altered by disease. Thanks to advances in immunology, genetics, molecular biology and quantum physics, the first theories of which date back to the 18th century, it identifies the mechanisms of chronic diseases, thus opening the way to effective and secure regulatory processes.

His goal? Regulate gene control mechanisms in order to restore the balance of cells and the health of the human body. By providing cells with adequate information, it enhances their efficiency and ability to regulate against infections, abnormal cells and other types of disturbances.

Its operation is based on a fundamental principle: the use of very high dilutions of molecules naturally present in our body, in particular non-coding RNAs, to regulate molecular processes by using the mechanism of RNA interference and to restore the disturbed balance of the body, thus leading to the recovery of health.

BI(G)MED represents a promising therapeutic regulation approach for the future, based on 4 major pillars:

Beyond its therapeutic impact, BI(G)MED integrates an essential preventive dimension. It thus offers an in-depth biological assessment to assess the state and functioning of the immune system.

Detecting the presence of viruses, known to be involved in many diseases, is also a priority. For example, the reactivation of the EBV virus (Epstein Barr Virus) can be prevented and regulated, thus reducing the risks of chronic fatigue syndrome, chronic Lyme disease, long Covid but also autoimmune diseases, cancers and blood diseases. Some patients, even without any particular pathology, benefit from a predictive assessment and can adopt this new preventive approach.

Faced with this medical revolution, health professionals wishing to integrate BI(G)MED into their practice can benefit from training offered by EBMA. These courses, face-to-face or remotely, allow doctors, pharmacists, naturopaths and therapists to familiarize themselves with the method and put it into practice with their patients. The association also offers advanced training modules as well as an exchange space for practitioners who have already been trained. For anyone interested, simply contact the EBMA via its website.