The judge of the Hearing Nacional José de la Mata, instructor of the case of the box b of the PP, has cited this Wednesday to declare as imputed to the extesorero of the party, Luis Barcenas and his wife, Rosalía Iglesias, and has called on the Ministry of the Interior will submit “all documentation” relating to the Operation Kitchen, the plot police of illegal spying to Barcenas, through his driver, allegedly headed by the commissioner-retired José Villarejo, in prison since November of 2017. This police operation, initially designed to help the research of the National court on the finances of the irregular PP, hath committed adultery to try to snatch Barcenas papers that could be compromising to the training conservative during the investigation of the case Gürtel.


Inside locates evidence of the diversion of funds reserved for spying on Barcenas, the court in The ‘case Villarejo’ called to declare to Barcenas in the investigation of the espionage

Of the Kills, holder of the Central Court of Instruction 5, rejects, “for the moment”, citing as defendants the former secretary general of the PP, Dolores de Cospedal and her husband, Ignacio López del Hierro, as had been requested by the popular accusation of the Observatori DESC. Both allegedly were in Betticket contact with Villarejo during the beginning of the statement of the case Gürtel and the commissioner offered information on the police investigation and even the destruction of incriminating evidence.

The Operation’s Kitchen, the plot to thwart the investigation of the finances irregular PP, is being investigated by another judge of the Audiencia Nacional, Manuel García-Castellón, within the macrosumario on the illegal business of the commissioner Villarejo. The Kills will be requested to provide your partner a copy of two recent reports of the Internal Affairs Unit of the National Police over the Operation of the Kitchen, and they remain secrets.

in Addition, De la Mata, has called for “immediate mode” to the Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of the Interior to the “full report” that he had already requested, “on the objectives, preparation, approval, execution, reporting, monitoring, and control of the Operation Kitchen developed in the General Direction of the Police.” The magistrate requires Interior detailing “the identities of all persons who have participated in the same and their last responsible, with expression of their tasks and responsibilities”. The report “shall be accompanied by all the documents generated or obtained during its development.”

In a resolution aside, the magistrate asks the Council of Ministers the “disclosure officer” of the documentation of the Operation Kitchen that could be subject to the Official Secrets Act of 1968 and the funds reserved, 1995.

The extesorero Barcenas and his wife have been called by the Mata to the 21st day of December. This decision has led the prosecution to ask the judge García-Castellón to suspend the declaration of both as witnesses in his court scheduled for Wednesday of next week.