The Police would on Wednesday inform that they are looking for an 81-year-old man by the name of Bent, from Lyngby.

Saturday, he is still not found.

Bob went on Wednesday afternoon from his home on the Vintappervej to do an errand at the Switch Room, but he came not home again.

on Saturday, police were assisted by 50 volunteers in eftersøgninge of Bent. Police have Thursday and Friday searched with dogs and overflown less green areas with drones, but it has not shed further light on what may have happened to the 81-åige man.

Saturday’s search is set at 15.30-time, but TV2 Lorry type, to Missing People, who are Megabahis behind the search with volunteers, will resume the search again on Sunday morning.

– We hope for the best, and that we find him, so we can get some clarification, says one of bob’s daughters, who have not given up to find his father.

his Daughter Rikke Tolander elaborates on his Facebook profile.

ben’s family also tells that he is not demented. He in turn has been tired and confused, at the latest, and therefore suspect that he may have been confused, when he got lost.

the 81-year-old Bent is 170 centimeters tall. He was wearing a red and gray jacket, red hat and jeans when he disappeared. Persons who have information relevant to the case, please contact The Police on 114.