Right now, thousands of parents take a position on whether their school should go to public schools or private school for the next school year.

in Many places is trying the local schools to reverse a development, where more parents opt out of public school to the benefit of a private school.

And it happens to a greater degree by actively seeking out parents already in day-care institutions or even at home, says councillor for Children and Young people in Aarhus Thomas Medom.

– There are many local initiatives in which school boards, school leaders and employees are out to tell why they are happy and proud of their school, and why you need to choose it, he says.

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At least two schools in the Aarhus Hasle School and Sødal School – seek out the representatives from the school committees parents of future pupils, as they have not yet had contact with.

– In these cases it is schools that have a high proportion of bilinguals. It may worry some parents, it goes beyond professionalism. That it’s nice to hear other parents who know the school, and not just what the municipality says about the school”, says Thomas Medom.

The same is happening at schools in Odense, says the municipality’s skolechef, Nikolaj Juul Jørgensen.

Here make several schools are also an extra effort by, for example, to tell about the school on social media and by getting off on the surrounding day care centers.

– We are also considering whether we should in contact with the mother groups. We know that many parents make choices of school very early, say skolechefen.

Several choose private school

Parents of children born in 2013 must these days consider whether their child should be written into the local primary Mottobet school, or whether they will choose a private alternative.

most people choose public school. But the trend over recent years has been that several new skolestartere choose private schools.

Thus was the proportion of students in the 0. the class, which went on the free – and the private school, per 1. October 2007 to 12.4 percent of the total of 67.700 students in the 0. class. In 2017, the share increased to 16.9 percent, according to figures from Statistics Denmark.

Among all the students from the 0. – 9.-class is the proportion of free – and private school is slightly higher than among the students in the 0. class. 1. October 2017 went 17,5 per cent. of the students on free – or private school.

Sources: Danmarks Statistics

Also in the north of Zealand, there is a need to reach out to the parents.

Here Hellebæk School between Hornbæk and Elsinore, for example, taken up the battle against a nearby private school by which something new to take around to the parent-teacher in all skoledistriktets kindergartens.

– We live in an area where many parents might even have gone to private school. But I think we have just as much to offer in elementary school. We need straighter backs and tell good stories, say a school headmaster Thomas Horn.

According to the president of Skolelederforeningen, Claus Hjortdal, the school’s initiatives expressed that primary schools no longer necessarily the natural choice.

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It is, for example, amalgamations of schools and more pupils in each class, that deters parents, like the general narrative of the primary school is marked by turmoil.

– In elementary school we have not previously been accustomed to going out to pull customers into the store. But such is the reality today, he says.

Many schools have been focusing on it for years, while for many others it is something new.

In recognition of this, a number of actors in the field of folkeskoleområdet – including the national Association of Local authorities, school leaders, and forældreorganisationen the School and the Parents – has just been published with a catalogue of ideas for how public schools can create positive awareness in the local area.

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