A number of former NFL stars will start a new league for american football under the name of the Freedom football League.

Behind the new league is 50 former NFL players, among others, Ricky Williams and Terrell Owens.

The experience that the NFL and its clubs, prevents the league’s players to focus on the problems and challenges in american society. In the new league invited the players to interfere in the public debate.

– En I, myself, came to the NFL, then I was told that I should keep my mouth, when you spoke about social challenges. We are now changing on it, says Ricky Williams to ESPN.

Several NFL players have in recent years knelt, when the u.s. national anthem is played before matches in the NFL. It has happened to protest against social injustice.

to get the players to stop, introduced in Restbet the NFL earlier in the year fines to the players who kneel under nationalhymnen.

San Francisco 49ers former quarterback, the today unemployed Colin Kaepernick, was among the first to kneel. He has sued the league for conspiring against him and make sure that no clubs will hire him.

Freedom football League will have the participation of ten teams and will be played in the spring and summer, so it does not clash with the NFL season.

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