British actress and presenter Jameela Jamil took a position image editing.Actress Jameela Jamil is known, inter alia, The Good Place series. ZUMAwire/MVphotos

Go to the trade magazine shelf and compare the cover.

If the cover posing woman, her complexion looks like likely to be perfect. Was his age any, not from him, likely to find a wrinkle – pores and other ”imperfections” not to mention!

and What about men then? A completely different story. Their faces are permitted lines, wrinkles and furrows, up to, for example, stubble.

a british presenter and actress Jameela Jamil has compared fifty female and male actors cover photos and stated that women are not allowed to age.

the Men, instead, are allowed to do so – and are only ”sexy, high definition”, as the actor himself puts it.

(If the embed does not appear, you can view the tweet from my phone here.)

Jamil insisted the BBC website published his column in the image processing a denial when it intends to modify body shapes or, for example, smoothing to the skin.

– So made, so that the consumer could sell the fantasy that perfection is indeed attainable. If you are still not able to reach the beauty ideals, requirements, buy now for expensive products, because then you look at the picture of the person, the scam belongs to.

How is this ethical or even legal? the actor asks.

Jamil told she had an eating disorder in his youth, and tells that is why he knows firsthand how harmful the perfect to edit pictures can be.

– We need to see pimples, wrinkles, cellulite and stretchmarks. If we can’t see them, we become almost allergic to them, although each of us has a body.

the Actor is just talking to keep warm, but also doing as you say. He is, inter alia, demanded that her pictures taken from the be dealt with out skin surface defects.

He has also taken a stand on detox-tea-the trend and criticized by public figures, who are advertising their products on their own social media channels. Products ”detox-features” as are often based on their laxative effects, Jamil has been warning.

This has led to, well, the usual special more headlines:

(If the embed does not appear, you can view the image here.)

Somejulkaisuidensa based on Jamil’s clever woman, who can not only questionable in its field of harmful phenomena, also to laugh at themselves. Such role models we need more!