There are unusually harsh tones, the Green party leader Anna Lena strikes Baerbock at the end of the year. What to do with refugees that commit in Germany again and again criminal offences? Baerbock required in these cases, a systematic crackdown of the rule of law: “Delinquent asylum seekers, who do not accept our legal order and enforceable required to leave the country, should be a priority for deportation,” she says in an Interview with the “süddeutsche Zeitung”. To the right of asylum belonged also to those who have no claim to, in their countries back. “This is particularly true for people entering the basic values of our society with the feet.”
Baerbock has established itself in Potsdam, a refugee aid Association that since years, she is committed to ensuring that the Newcomers find their way in Germany. But she has also witnessed the damage those do, which are considered intensive perpetrators again and again, striking. It is a “very small part of the Refugees,” says Baerbock. But because the law won’t often be set quickly, scratching the confidence in the rule of law. The existing legal instruments should be better used in a Crime would have to follow “quickly” judgment and the penal system. This does not happen, if prosecutors and judges were missing inside, says the Green party leader. “The impression of violence have no consequences creates in some people.”
humanity and order – so the formula of the Green touch in the meantime, your course in the refugee policy together. The Belief is that in Germany, the acceptance of a culture of welcome, but only if it is also reasonably arranged. Okay, this may mean, in the view of the Green that people will be deported after completing the asylum procedure, even if the theme is for your party, “painful”, as Baerbock said. On the other side of the Green to ensure that it is not “Wrong” to be deported, so the well-Integrated, are in an education or work. For this group there had to be a “lane change”, calls for Baerbock. Also in war zones such as Afghanistan should not be deported.
In the case of the Green will be discussed, certain countries to “prioritize”
A duplicate message has the Green party leader also when it comes to women’s rights: “Nothing legitimizes violence against women, neither Domestic nor alcohol, even a traumatic flight experience.” A part of the Refugees grew up in Patriarchal structures and ideas of masculinity, violence is justified. At the same time, she fights back against the attempt by “right-nationalists” to turn the mood against Muslims and Refugees. “No Pass, no Religion and no culture can make a automatically with the offender.”
Clear Baerbock remains an ideologically charged issue, which has been busy in the past weeks, the CDU and the greens in the coalition talks in Hessen. The Green party leader re-affirmed its ‘ no ‘ to the project of the Federal government, the countries of the Maghreb Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco in the list of the so-called safe countries of origin. The SPD and the Union have made in the Covenant, in the meantime, the second start-up, but so far lacked in the Federal Council the majority. With the exception of Baden-Württemberg, the green-mitregierten countries reject this. The Greens in Hesse, Germany should give up their resistance, could enter the law into force.
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Anna Lena Baerbock Green party leader wants to deport offenders, asylum seekers quickly
From the Federal party there was, therefore, the attempt to promote a green no in the state of Hesse. One of the basic arguments: In the Maghreb States, all population groups were not sure about journalists and homosexuals, says Baerbock. Thus, the requirements of the constitutional court would not be fulfilled. However, the party boss also pragmatic reasons. “No Feedback is faster”, you. To be able to criminal offender faster deported, they need the respective readmission agreements. In the case of the Green will also discussed that you can prioritize certain countries””. This would mean that applications would preferably processed. Which way has decided to Black-Green in Hessen, want to give on Thursday.