the surgeon and gästprofessorn Paolo Macchiarini four celebration transplants with synthetic trachea made of plastic on three patients at Karolinska university hospital, KS. All three are today deceased.

According to the hospital carried out the transplants at so-called vitalindikation – as a last resort to save a patient’s life when no other treatments are available. This was not the case showed subsequent investigations.

the Hospital argued that the transplants were care but the experiments were, in fact, the research, which later investigations have established.

Paolo Macchiarini broke both against according to the act, and medicines act, when he transplanted trachea of the plastic because he had not obtained approval for the research.

In the scientific articles presents Paolo Macchiarini transplants as successful as they were not.

Paolo Macchiarini of research misconduct, research misconduct, by a belgian researcher. At the same time leaving the four doctors (Karl-Henrik Grinnemo, Thomas Chestnut, Oscar Simonsson and Matthias Corbascio) at the KS into an extensive investigation and notification to the president of Karolinska institutet, Anders Hamsten, that Paolo Macchiarini has forskningsfuskat. The surgeon had in the scientific journals described the transplanted patients ‘ condition in a positive way that does not at all match up with their actual medical status.

the KI rector Anders Hamsten Paolo Macchiarini from the suspicion of collusion, supported by the university’s ethical advice. An external investigator, professor Bengt Gerdin claims to the contrary, Macchiarini is guilty of misconduct. But KI’s assessment stood.

In the american media reveals information about Paolo Macchiarini lied on his CV. A documentary series, ”the Experiment”, by Bosse Lindqvist on Macchiarinis unsuccessful transplants broadcasted in SVT and raises a huge debate about ethics and responsibility.

Anders Hamsten resign as the president of KI. Paolo Macchiarini get fired from KI and in June 2016, notify the surgeon, the suspicion of serious involuntary manslaughter and gross negligence to the injury. In the autumn, presented two studies on the Macchiariniskandalen by Kjell Asplund and Sten Heckscher. Both show large deficiencies in both KI KS: the incompetence, credulity and indifference towards rules and regulations.

Paolo Macchiarini Photo: Lina Alriksson

the investigation of the suspicion against Paolo Macchiarini down . It went according to the prosecutor Jennie Nordin not with sufficient certainty and besvis show that patients would have come in a better situation with a different method of treatment, such as palliative treatment. It states, however, that Macchiarini acted negligently and that the risk increased for each transplant.

the Decision raises a storm of protest, not least from the private medical community, and many believe that law is out of step with developments in medicine.

the Same autumn, targeting Universitetskanslerämbetet fierce criticism of the how KI managed Macchairiniaffären and notifications lodged against him. A new investigation finds that human rights have been violated at the first transplant.

decided the public prosecutor’s development centre in Gothenburg, sweden to initiate a review of the closed investigation of 55,000 pages. This ago families of two of the deceased patients requested to receive a so-called review.

just Over a year later, in december 2018, it was decided the superior prosecutor Mikael Björk to resume parts of the pre-trial investigation against Paolo Macchiarini. The case of two of the three patients who received synthetic trachea transplanted in KS. Regarding the third patient was not considered the medical underlagt be sufficiently established to be included in the appeal decisions.