let us imagine a law like the people … Who writes the laws, must be able to dream … in order for the law to afford texts, what should they do, you have to Mature.“ Something says and writes Stephan Naundorf. Smoked the man something? He suffers from hallucinations?

No trace. Stephan Naundorf is far States away from Noise. At the most successful formulations can give. Then he talks of laws as tenderly as of a loved one. Naundorf, 56 years old, is removal of the head of the office bureaucracy, the unit for Better regulation. He has an office in the Federal Chancellery. This is not by chance. The project is connected via multiple levels of government with the Chancellor. to explain

The complex design of the structures, it is necessary, for where so many people are to progress, it can only go to Large. You should not be misled by the word “bureaucracy” occurs only five Times in the coalition agreement.

In the centre of the efforts: The Chancellor’s office

There is the Minister of state in the Federal Chancellery, Helge Braun. The is all assigned, which has to do with digitization – and is one of the prerequisites for bureaucracy reduction. Then there’s Hendrik Hoppenstedt, Minister of state and Federal government coordinator for bureaucracy reduction and better lawmaking, also the coordinator for the Federal-state relations. In hoppenstedt’s room, a picture of Otto depends on Bismarck. Office predecessor, Peter Altmaier, would like it back. This shows the visitor that this is no small plans.

in addition, there is also for bureaucracy reduction and digitization is responsible, Dorothee Bär, Minister in the Chancellery. In front of colleagues of the “süddeutsche Zeitung” she complained of just need to the offices of the Republic from paper forms to explain and convince: “nothing brings them in to the Public and costs a lot of time and nerves.”

Less effort, less money

Stephan Naundorf has found in this office, it’s been there since 2006, so something like a mission in life – is if you can all tell. Hendrik Hoppenstedt is also proud of the success: “With the 2015 introduced bureaucracy brake we have costs in the case of national projects, a substantial shift in the result of statutory regulations is achieved. From 2015 to 2017, the bureaucracy has contributed to the brake in order to a relief of the economy by a total of 1.9 billion euros in annual expenses.“

Contributed – this means that other cost factors are driving or have a dampening effect. Bureaucracy reduction and better regulation is, in the ideal case, that a law is doing what it’s supposed to do, without leading to grew up in unnecessary Bureaucracy.

Understandable, it’s supposed to be. Otherwise, the love relationship between the law and the citizens do not, the Stephan Naundorf, well, you may say to your heart. Naundorf you can well imagine as a middle-distance runner and chess player, he is Belief, but not individual perpetrators. It does not occur to him to close, when you referred to him as a cog in a larger gear.

The qualified merchant and political scientist, he is a good seller an old idea. Already in 2006, the German government decided – it was to address the first Merkel government – the issue of bureaucracy reduction in a systematic way.

“Easy, accurate and understandable,”

not Until almost a decade later, in 2015, entered into a scheme will come into force after the Federal ministries onerous new regulation had to pull for each of the economy, one of the old “one in, one out” is on the label of this apparently very fruitful measure, forcing all ministries about the need for a new legal framework guidelines carefully ponder.

Better regulation, that is to say: laws, regulations and administrative provisions “must be easy, accurate and understandable”. Stephan Naundorf says. It has been shown according to his experience, that it is better to allow lawyers to formulate, but to form mixed Teams, with economists,.

yourself to create when planning new legislation an analysis of what one wants to achieve. Then the “creative Phase” in which you go out not from the General but from the specific individual cases and examples of verb to riders would be. Somehow that sounds like a instruction guide for “Good Governance”.

control it

Three to five years after the entry into force of a new law now has to be its effectiveness checked. This evaluation, whether a law to fulfil its purpose, like Naundorf particularly well. In addition, the ministries have to the costs of their laws, listing compliance costs, the technical term is for it.

the importance of such control, said Johannes Ludewig, Chairman of the National regulatory control Council, in September, in an article for the daily mirror. This ten-member body, has since its inception in August 2006, the task to reduce costs of Bureaucracy.

Ludewig writes alarmed: “Around 50 billion Euro had to spend the economy annually for the fulfilment of state obligations to provide information!” The number shows the whole Dimension of the relief that can be achieved through a reduction of bureaucracy – and it also shows how much is still to do.

The bureaucracy monster

However, Naundorf does not conceal the reduction is also a weak point in the efforts for better regulation and bureaucracy: the result of new regulations on EU level have no influence, and also the effects of decisions of the Federal constitutional court were not detectable.

at The time of our conversation, it was known that the judges had overturned the existing estate tax law to be unjust, and a new regulation by the end of 2019 requires. Stephan Naundorf did not know at this time but the proposal for the new regulation, the Federal Ministry of Finance has now presented.

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After that, should be included in the calculation basis in the future, not just rent, land value, net cold rent and the year of construction, but also the housing and the size of the site. There is no need for imagination, figure out, what is the bureaucracy monster alone would be through the detection and evaluation of these criteria, fed. The chain of appeals is not taken into account yet. But the example shows: Stephan Naundorf, Dorothee Bär, Hendrik Hoppenstedt and Helge Braun will not run out of work.