Sleep, as simple as “good night”? Think again. This vital need of quality sleep is not within everyone’s reach, as witnessed by the 7 out of 10 French people who complain about it, occasionally or chronically. They must have one main principle in mind: good rest is a matter of schedule. It is organized according to the sleep needs specific to each of us, with an essential number of hours and getting up and going to bed times to respect.
To find out which sleeper you are, you can note down these hours over a period of a month, and follow the pace that suits you best. Avoid distortions and the temptation of “sleeping in” which disrupts instead of resting. Once you have established your rhythm, you must, as soon as you get out of bed, prepare yourself well for the following night.
The time of waking up is an important moment: it is about letting the body and mind know that the night is over. To inform our internal clock and fight against sleep inertia, there is nothing like natural light and a breath of fresh air, by opening curtains and windows. Then a few stretches and exercises, or even, if you are a fan, a quarter of an hour of meditation. A shower will follow, but rather hot, contrary to popular belief: raising the body temperature wakes you up. For breakfast, don’t skip it, think about proteins and whole grains. Foods that are too sweet can increase blood sugar and make you sleepy. Coffee or tea, psychostimulants, complete the meal.
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Our daytime activities have a direct impact on our sleep time via a simple mechanism called “homeostatic pressure”: the longer we stay awake, the greater the need for sleep. Also, approach the nap with discernment: although it brings many benefits, it should not be too long. About twenty minutes, not necessarily in bed, and not too late in the day so as not to interfere with falling asleep at night.
In the evening, intense sporting activities which irritate and increase body temperature should be avoided, but after dinner, an evening walk or bike ride has a calming effect. If you have work late, be careful of the bluish light from screens which affects the sleep/wake rhythm. In any case, put away any digital device a good hour before rest.
When going to bed, take care of the layout of your room. The ideal room is dark and relatively cool, no more than 19°C. A comfortable bed according to your criteria (the mattress is changed every ten years), and above all no pets that could wake you up at night! To make it easier to fall asleep, choose a pleasant ritual: a scented bath, herbal tea, music… And above all, go to bed when you are sleepy, not because it’s time. To do this, listen to your body, yawns, heavy eyelids…
Also read: During sleep, our brain opens small windows of connection to the outside world
Finally, what should you do if you wake up in the night? Above all, avoid the vicious circle which combines ruminations and the anxious quest for sleep. Better to get out of bed for a quiet, awake break in a chair, then return when you feel like sleeping again. Another tip: some relaxation exercises by focusing on your breathing, or by reviewing each part of the body (body scanning).
Even if intermittent fasting is trendy, depriving yourself of food in the evening is not necessarily a good idea: the risk is to wake up in the middle of the night torn by hunger. Especially for all people suffering from sleep disorders. Conversely, a meal that is too copious and late is not recommended, especially if it is washed down with alcoholic drinks. Its digestion will cause the body temperature to rise, which is contraindicated for quality sleep. Instead, opt for a meal rich in carbohydrates (pasta-tomato sauce) which promotes the secretion of the sleep hormone, melatonin.