Emmanuel Macron had assured that they would pay. And yet “not a single element of [the emergency law] evokes the financing by the thugs of the degradations which have been committed”, was surprised Marine Le Pen this Wednesday July 19 during a press conference. The text, which has been under consideration in Parliament since Tuesday, plans to facilitate the reconstruction of public and private buildings damaged or destroyed during the urban violence that followed the death of young Nahel.

However, according to the president of the RN group in the National Assembly, the absence of mention of financing by the thugs gives the impression that the government “treats these riots as a natural disaster whose damage had to be repaired at all costs. stigmata”. Marine Le Pen describes, among other things, this text as “a real shame” insofar as it is “the one and only response to the riots and their catastrophic consequences”.

And for good reason, from the first nights of violence, the member for Nord-Pas-de-Calais calls for the application of the strict principle of “thugs-payers”. A mechanism that consists of making the breakers pay compensation costs equal to the cost of the damage caused. And to abound: “If they have to pay until the end of their days, then they will pay until the end of their days”.

The former presidential candidate criticizes the government in particular for a lack of firmness, which will only increase, according to her, the “endemic violence”. “We will see widespread attacks on people (…), private homes will be the object of attacks and looting, the theft of weapons, armed public demonstrations, and the use of firearms will increase. will multiply”, warns the leader of the RN elected officials in the National Assembly.

While the government’s “emergency” law is about to be voted on by the deputies, Marine Le Pen unveiled this Wednesday, July 19 the “great plan” of the National Rally “to make the values ​​of freedom and security triumph. and to “reconquer lost territories”. A program which is divided into four parts, including one exclusively devoted to “strengthening the anti-riot means”.

Among the measures cited, the systematic arrest of rioters, the lifting of the minority excuse for recidivist rioters, the reinstatement of the anti-rioter law – which makes it possible to lift the anonymity of a group and to establish “co-authors “. The abolition of family allowances for the parents of delinquent minors is once again brandished by the RN. “The fact that others are taking over our proposals is a great victory,” says Marine Le Pen on this subject, who “regrets, however, that those who once belonged to the majority never implemented them. “.

Marine Le Pen also wishes to prohibit the political positions taken by magistrates’ unions. A proposal that dates from 2018, but that the member considers more than topical. She once again denounced “the seditious harangue of a politicized union of magistrates”.

In short, a series of measures which could be the subject of a bill at the start of the school year, during the parliamentary niche of the National Rally which will be held in mid-September.