As attacks on law enforcement and elected officials multiply, the president of the National Rally is once again stepping up to the plate. Invited on France Inter this Monday, July 10, Jordan Bardella declared that the attack on physical integrity had to “regain its sacred character”. And to deplore that “the sentences are not sufficiently firm in our society”.

And for good reason, since the riots that occurred following the death of Nahel, many right-wing and RN elected officials have been making calls to intensify the repressive arsenal. “We know the causes of what happened in our country: a lax penal policy, a continuous weakening of the means given to the police, and a completely crazy immigration policy which has aroused communitarian tensions in d ‘Countless neighborhoods’, argues Jordan Bardella convinced that “if we do not give the impression of firmness, we will continue to see riots after riots, violence being committed on our soil”.

Suspension of family allowances to the parents of repeat minors, lifting of the excuse of minority or even lowering of the criminal majority and creation of recovery centers for minors… The MEP calls for a “security jump” and “criminal” in order to allow “young people to become aware of the seriousness of the facts”. More specifically, Jordan Bardella wishes that for each violation of physical integrity observed, “a sentence of deprivation of liberty” be pronounced, even if the perpetrator is a minor.

Marine Le Pen’s right-hand man pleads in particular for the creation of recovery centers for minors “supervised by the military”. “It’s a fairly old proposal that was made by President [Nicolas] Sarkozy and Ségolène Royal, and that Gérald Darmanin proposed for the territory of Mayotte,” he argues. The president of the RN says he is in favor of its generalization to the whole of the national territory. And to insist: “If we do not crack down on the first offense, we fall into a spiral of recidivism.”

“We are also in favor of the systematic expulsion of delinquents and foreign criminals” who would represent, according to him, “25% of detainees”. For Jordan Bardella, the “connection between immigration and what we have experienced” is beyond doubt. “Those who break are the little brothers of those who broke in 2005. It is clear in these territories that a generation has arrived at adulthood which, to paraphrase Max Gallo, is physically from here, indisputably from here, but whose soul is elsewhere,” he added.

Nevertheless, he assures that neither he nor the RN have an “ethnic or racial conception” of French nationality. “We can perfectly be of immigrant origin and feel fully French,” he concedes. “We have to restore commonality in our society, and it all starts with school”, assures Jordan Bardella who deplores that “school [has] abandoned the teaching of fundamental knowledge, (…) banished certain glorious passages from the History of France and (…) taught a whole generation permanent repentance, namely that France had done everything wrong in its History”.