National recognition after the fright. In a letter addressed to Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday evening, Éric Ciotti demands recognition from the State for the young Henri who had the courage to intervene during the Annecy tragedy. “Mr. President of the Republic, on June 8, the attack on Annecy caused astonishment and consternation among the French. By attacking young children, the assailant has outraged what is most sacred to us and the horror of his crime has aroused considerable fear, ”recalls the president of the Republicans in his short missive sent to the Élysée. “But, in the midst of the terror, continues the deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, hope took on the features of these heroes, so courageously intervened to prevent the continuation of this murderous madness. In the forefront of which Henri d’Anselme, whom the press quickly renamed the hero with a backpack”.

For Ciotti, such a “lesson of heroism” reminds us that “humanity is capable of standing in a combative dignity which does not resign itself to the monstrosity of the worst barbarities. These anonymous heroes have made the entire French people proud because this heroism brings us together and carries within itself a collective ideal”, underlines the leader of the right, before estimating that the recognition of the nation to the his heroes is “a debt that cannot be paid” but that the French have the means to recognize “by giving them their rightful place within the ranks of the Legion of Honor”.

As “representative of the Nation”, Eric Ciotti wants to “echo” the French. “These heroes have done us honor: let’s pay them the tribute they deserve,” he concluded.