It’s a salty letter, which Le Figaro was able to obtain. The day after the vote of the national council of the PS which approved the list of socialists for the European elections, Carole Delga took up the pen to question Olivier Faure. Although she “welcomes” the reappointment of Raphaël Glucksmann as head of the list, the president of the Occitanie region, in disagreement with the management, considers the lack of diversity of the territories in the places considered “eligible” to be glaring. Deploring a “centralism from another age” to criticize the over-representation of Parisian profiles, she explains: “I am here the spokesperson for many members and sympathizers of our party who regret the lack of territorial openness”.

“They note, like me, that the interplay of internal arrangements has erased the imperative political necessity to make the voices of those who are not heard or who no longer arrive heard precisely, in France and in Europe. to be heard,” she laments. Carole Delga mentions in particular the lack of representation of “Hauts-de-France”, “Parisian suburbs”, “Marseille”, “Brittany”, “Occitanie”, “Overseas”. “These territories are often at the top of the rankings of unemployment, precariousness, social injustices, difficulties in accessing health… They are not, unfortunately, at the top of the European PS list,” he jokes. -She.

“If our party does not emit a strong political signal and in particular that of making visible all the invisibles of our country, then what is the point of it, if not to contribute to this fatality which plagues a good part of the French people, in particular those who still claim to be left-wing?” warns Carole Delga, warning of the risk that voters will turn to “populists and demagogues”.

For the president of the Occitanie region, there is nevertheless “still time to review things”. She suggests that the socialists come back to the table. “The current list is the result of internal compromises. I propose that, tomorrow, it will be the fruit of a collective ambition,” she maintains. Carole Delga also took the opportunity to encourage Olivier Faure to rely more on the “territorial network” of the party. “I tell you again: I regret that the party does not rely more on this strength,” she laments.