Better laugh it off, no doubt. Tired of being mocked by the press which presents him as “transparent”, François Braun, the Minister of Health, invited Pap Ndiaye, Minister of National Education, and Christophe Béchu, Minister of Ecological Transition, to a ” dinner of the invisibles” which is being held this Wednesday, April 12 at the Ministry of Health. On the menu, “good food and whisky”. The launch of this “Club des invisibles” was revealed by the JDD on April 2.

“This dinner echoes about twenty articles published in the press on these three ministers since September”, informs the cabinet of François Braun in Figaro. Several newspapers have indeed noted the transparency of certain ministers in the media or their fragility within the government itself since the last cabinet reshuffle last July. Le Parisien thus evokes “several members of the government with large portfolios, but with little political weight”.

When Christophe Béchu knows a “ministerial experience strewn with pitfalls”, Pap Ndiaye has a “reputation of UFO” and François Braun, him, “struggles a lot, but the results are not there”, entrusted a close politician to the Parisian daily. For its part, Le Monde presents Christophe Béchu as “an ecological minister ‘lost in transition'”.

The Minister of Health wanted to respond to the media on “a touch of humor”. “I found it quite amusing to be treated as invisible, reacted François Braun at the microphone of Radio J. I could have said “the fantastic ones.” He then admitted that “this political policy”, which consists in multiply official declarations in the media, “it’s not my style”. “Perhaps that’s why they say I’m a ‘civil society’ person,” he continued.

When he took office at the Ministry of Health in July 2022, this emergency doctor by profession had however announced that he wanted to “save the hospital” and “rebuild the health system”. But since then he has been discreet about this vast undertaking.

A time of discretion gone? Two days after his “invisible dinner”, the minister will travel to Ukraine on Friday 14 and Saturday 15 April. François Braun will inaugurate in Lviv in the west of the country a medical center dedicated to reconstructive surgery. A visit abroad which, in terms of political communication, could bring the Minister of Health some attention.