Children from poorer and less educated families continue to be disadvantaged when it comes to the allocation of daycare places. In addition, the care needs of boys and girls who do not speak German at home to a greater extent are uncovered than for peers who speak German as a family language. This is the result of a current study by the Federal Institute for Population Research (BiB) in Wiesbaden.

According to this, even ten years after the introduction of a legal entitlement to a daycare place for girls and boys from the age of one, whether a child is cared for or not depends heavily on the socio-economic circumstances of the parents. Among other things, the experts examined the data on daycare use by around 96,000 children under the age of three.

With a view to the federal government’s education summit on March 14th and 15th, the researchers called for barriers to access to early childhood education to be broken down, especially for children who do not speak German at home.

“The day-care center is the first important place of education outside of the family,” stressed BiB director Katharina Spieß. However, those who could particularly benefit from this are still underrepresented in the daycare groups for under-threes. “And this despite the fact that parents with a migration background often want to go to daycare,” explained Spieß. “As a result, many children are unable to develop their educational potential in the first few years of life.”

Among other things, the expert suggests providing families with low-threshold information about the advantages of attending a daycare center early or actively supporting them in their search for childcare places. In addition, the number of places must be further expanded. The nationwide legal entitlement to early childhood support in a day care center or in day care for children from the age of one was introduced on August 1, 2013.