Thousands of people in Israel protested against the planned judicial reform of the right-wing religious government with a nationwide “Day of Resistance” on Thursday. Rallies were held in numerous cities. In the coastal city of Tel Aviv, demonstrators waved national flags and blocked the highway to Jerusalem. They also locked the entrances to numerous schools with chains.

The demonstrators also came to Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion International Airport and blocked access roads there. The aim was to prevent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from flying to Italy. According to media reports, Netanyahu came to the airport in a helicopter to bypass the lockdown. A meeting with Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni is scheduled for Friday in Rome. Police officers handed out parking tickets to motorists who took part in the blockade.

The protest also took place at sea: Participants with numerous boats and surfboards were out and about off the coast. According to the organizers, they also blocked access to the port of Haifa. The radio reported that a total of 14 demonstrators had been arrested. Several thousand police officers were deployed across the country. There were complaints of excessive police violence.

The reform of the judiciary is progressing despite violent protests. According to media reports, it could be approved in a fast-track procedure by April. According to the government’s plans, Parliament should in future be able to overrule decisions of the Supreme Court with a simple majority. In addition, politicians should be given more influence in the appointment of judges. The project could also play into the hands of the head of government in a corruption process that has been going on for some time.

In an interview with the news website ynet, opposition leader Jair Lapid expressed concern that after the reform was implemented, there could “never be another election” in Israel. “There will be no more democracy here,” warned the former prime minister, who lost last year’s election to Netanyahu. Experts also warn of catastrophic effects on the economy.