Bavaria’s Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) has announced that he intends to file a lawsuit against the state financial equalization in the first half of the year. “It’s just unfair and unfair,” said the CSU politician to “Bild am Sonntag”. A pain limit had been reached. “We show solidarity, but not naively.”

Last year, Bavaria bore the largest burden in the state financial equalization with a total of 9.9 billion euros. A total of 18.5 billion euros had been redistributed between the 16 federal states. “We do not want to abolish the state financial equalization, but to reform it and relieve the Bavarian taxpayers,” announced Söder.

He also complained that the federal government had no heart for the South. “This can be felt everywhere: subsidies are being cut and projects are being deliberately canceled. So we have to do everything ourselves.”

In 2013, Bavaria – together with Hesse – had already filed a lawsuit against the state financial equalization system at the time. The two states then withdrew their lawsuit in 2017 after the financial relations between the federal and state governments had been reorganized. The system is now called financial power equalization. It serves the goal enshrined in the Basic Law of creating equal living conditions in Germany.

The three southern federal states of Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and Hesse are the largest donors in the system. Most recently, Hesse’s Prime Minister Boris Rhein had also called for a reorganization of the financial power balance between the states and was considering a lawsuit.

“I think it is urgently necessary that we put the financial equalization of the federal states on the agenda and discuss the question of justice,” the CDU politician told the editorial network Germany (RND) in January. “Few countries pay, many collect,” said Rhein. That’s not a balanced relationship. “If the negotiations fail, the lawsuit is still an option,” said Rhein.

A new state parliament will be elected in Bavaria on October 8th. In the interview with “Bild am Sonntag”, Prime Minister Söder ruled out cooperation with the Greens: “The Greens lack the Bavarian gene. They applaud enthusiastically for the Berlin traffic light, but don’t care about Bavarian interests.” Basically, the Greens are “bourgeois and illiberal”, according to Söder, while Bavaria is “the social counter-model to the traffic light”.

In the opinion of the CSU chairman, the Greens are “a pure luxury party that only cares about well-earning city dwellers and instead deliberately neglects workers and rural areas”. With their “ideological ban” on nuclear energy and gas production, they are “a blackout and prosperity risk”.

Söder also renewed his accusation that the Greens were a “ban party”. “The Greens live in a world of fantasy and prohibition. They are the number one prohibition party: bans on meat, firecrackers, car washing, advertising and balloons are just a small selection of their plans. They ultimately want another republic and re-educate the Germans. But most people don’t want to dance to the green whistle.”

The CSU leader also criticized the plan by Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck (Greens) to ban oil and gas heating. “Habeck’s plans are an attack on the middle class and the socially disadvantaged. Who can afford to quickly replace their heating system now?” says Söder. These plans continued to drive up electricity consumption and could eventually lead to electricity rationing. “The Greens have obviously completely lost touch with the reality of life.”