After protests against a planned container accommodation for 500 refugees in Greifswald, the city is now looking for several smaller accommodation options. The main committee agreed on Thursday evening that the administration should re-examine the property. One only wants to be based on an occupancy of a maximum of 200 people, said Greifswald’s Mayor Stefan Fassbinder (Greens) after the meeting. You also want to ask other owners of areas such as the university. He assumes that in the end two or three properties can be proposed. There will probably be a citizenship meeting on March 27th.

Plans for a container accommodation with 500 places in the Baltic Sea district in the east of the city had met with strong resistance. Citizens had also criticized that they had been taken by surprise by the short-notice announcement. Around 500 people protested against the plans around a meeting of the Ostseeviertel district council on Monday. There had been hostilities against Fassbinder. Some demonstrators had tried to attack the Green politician. Fassbinder left the meeting under police protection.

About 50 people had also come to a registered counter-demonstration. Verbal arguments broke out between the two groups. Two critics of the shelter also physically attacked a counter-protester. According to the police, calls had previously been circulating on the Internet to move to the politician’s house. According to preliminary information from the police, there were at least 20 people among the demonstrators against the accommodation in Greifswald who could be assigned to the right-wing extremist scene. After the incident, the district and city announced that several smaller locations would be examined as an alternative.

After the meeting of the main committee on Thursday evening, Fassbinder emphasized that he would take concerns and questions seriously, but at the same time said: “It is not okay if an attempt is made to exert pressure through some kind of aggressiveness, whether in or in front of the buildings.” The situation In Fassbinder’s opinion, this is currently partly comparable to 2015, when many people also came to Germany. “There is a difference to 2015/16. The mood is much more aggressive in small parts.” At that time he was able to leave events without hesitation. That was not the case at the meeting on Monday, at least according to the police. The aggressiveness comes from a small part, which is apparently well organized. He appealed to all democratic forces to make it clear “that this is not the form in which we conduct debates”.

According to police estimates, around 500 people demonstrated in Greifwald on Thursday evening. They criticized the mayor, sometimes clearly, and shouted “Cooper out”. The media were greeted with calls of “lying press”. According to the police, around 230 people came to a counter-demonstration.

In Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, there have been several violent protests against the accommodation of refugees in recent weeks. New accommodations for asylum seekers are currently being prepared in several places in the federal state, including in Upahl (Northwest Mecklenburg). At a meeting against the construction of accommodation for 400 migrants in the 500-inhabitant town, the police had difficulty preventing people from gaining access to the district council building in Grevesmühlen, where construction was being discussed. According to the police, representatives of the right-wing political spectrum were also on site.

In Parchim, the district council discussed the renting of 90 apartments in the municipality of Demen to accommodate asylum seekers on Thursday evening. The two blocks of flats are currently being renovated. There are up to 455 places for families. Citizens of the community said in the residents’ question time during the district council meeting that there were open questions on site. They asked district administrator Stefan Sternberg (SPD) to speak to the citizens in Demen. There were no protests in Parchim.

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