Amid the tensions over the Transnistria region, which is breaking away from Moldova, a video has caused a stir on the Internet. Users claim it shows Romanian troops being deployed to the Moldovan border. In doing so, they are fueling fears of an expansion of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine – by constructing a false connection.

Claim: A recent video shows Romanian troops being deployed to the Moldovan border.

Rating: Wrong.

Facts: The video is not up to date and has been circulating online since at least 2022. An account on the social network Tiktok uploaded the video on November 30, 2022 and linked it with a Romanian hashtag for December 1, 2022. This date is a national holiday in Romania , which is celebrated in several cities with military parades, among other things.

Several references to the location of the recording can be found in comments on the video. With their help you get to a crossroads in the Romanian city of Alba Iulia. If you compare two striking details – a gas station with the abbreviation “OMV” and a blue and white sign with the inscription “Lacrima Unirii” – with online map services, you will recognize them there.

Alba Iulia is roughly in the middle of Romania and not on the Moldovan border. The city reportedly had a National Day military parade on December 1, 2022. Motorists had to expect traffic delays on November 29th and 30th because of the rehearsals for the parade. The two streets that can be seen in the video are said to have been affected.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense also confirmed on Tuesday that the distributed video footage was taken during rehearsals for the military parade in Alba Iulia. This emerges from a message on the “Inforadar” platform. It is operated by the Romanian Ministry of Defense and is intended to help uncover misinformation.

Romania is a member of the EU and NATO. The country borders in the east on the Republic of Moldova, which is also colloquially known as “Moldova”. The situation there is tense due to Russian statements. Russia recently accused Ukraine of planning a “false flag” invasion of Moldova’s breakaway region of Transnistria. This was rejected by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. The Moldovan government also stated that the Russian allegations could not be confirmed.

Transnistria split from Moldova in late 1990. After about five months of war in 1992, the arms were laid down. Transnistria is economically and militarily dependent on Russia and has not yet been recognized by any other state. Under international law, it remains part of Moldova.

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