On the edge of the world summit on climate change other concerns were presented to exciting developments. According to estimates by the organization Germanwatch, extreme weather has cost 2017 so many people’s lives like no other year in the recent past. The International energy Agency expects that the industry will emit States in 2018, more climate-damaging pollutants. the Michael belly müller Michael belly müller

Michael belly müller, Born in 1973, followed in Berlin the fate of the energy, environment and development policy. For the SZ, he has accompanied since 2001, a nuclear phase-out, a re-entry, and a back exit, also a dozen climate conferences, the success of renewable energies and the collapse of entire nuclear waste storage. Belly müller is an economist and graduate of the Cologne school of journalism, on its Board of Directors today. In 2013, the environmental media prize was awarded to him, in 2014, the TREE-eco-price. Fresh air, he snapped on the bike and when sailing.

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storms, heavy rain and droughts have cost to Pay the development organization germanwatch last year, more than 11 500 people. Due to extreme weather damage of 375 billion dollars. deneme bonusu According to a Report by the Organisation at the climate conference in Katowice has presented. After that, in 2017, surpassing all the Figures of the recent past.

Especially Puerto Rico, have been hard hit, with nearly 3000 deaths as a result of hurricane Maria. “The storms intensity and wind speeds and precipitation to increase, in line with the forecasts of climate science,” said David Eckstein. He had developed the climate risk Index.

In the Dominican Republic had done to Mary, therefore, damage caused by the gross national product of the island state, more than Twice exceeded. For the last 20 years, the damage amounted to $ 3.5 trillion, more than half a Million people were killed. If climate change is severe weather disaster to blame, hard to prove, grants, germanwatch. However, the evaluation will show, how vulnerable, especially for developing countries. You recorded most of the victims. For heuer

Also on the sidelines of the climate conference in Katowice, the International energy Agency (IEA) set a sad record: in the case of the emissions of the industrialised countries. According to preliminary Figures, the 2018 is expected to grow again to an estimated 0.5 percent. Although the emissions from coal-fired power plants. The Oil and Gas grew stronger.

Erstnals for five years, the climate grow to harmful emissions of the industrial countries. “This turn should be a further warning to the governments,” said IEA Secretary General Fatih Birol. You would have to work harder to clean Alternatives to fossil energy.