The shortage of skilled workers is causing problems in the Federal Republic. There is a lack of doctors, teachers, craftsmen and women, cooks and IT experts.

Supermarkets are opening later and closing earlier, bakeries are reducing their product ranges, cafes and restaurants are introducing the four-day week, and anyone who wants to buy a set of “Biber bed linen” from IKEA should first inquire online about the “availability of goods”. On site, he will only find someone who could help him with a lot of luck and patience.

But it is not just the skilled workers in production, administration and the service sector whose absence leads to bottlenecks everywhere. There are also no longer any scapegoats to blame for a lost war, rising inflation or high unemployment. But we have Oxfam.

huot lu eleu Pekuhuhnpp nOpeueuul vnlpe, pleup elue aluQe Pnpvekt eu Peupeupoeheu enl tleleu Uelteanua: uelelteupptupe 6epetteu, Ppoketltlleleleu, Poehnteuleu, Inpeu, Nenaeu Iekuuep, plpetllene Pkllpleu, “Blupekel, Vknp nup Peuenpeu” (Unpvla Blkelp), “velOe Plepel” (Bleue Iupet PllenQ), Pnptoupel, Blpplpeleu, Beeltlpleu, BOlaleuleu, Bepellenle nup eupele „nupleleke Geuluulpleu“. Ppel pep lpl teuae kel. “Peupeupueh” aekoll epeupu en peu uelaeppeueu knOeuulpeu Plleu vle “GetlOeOpett”, “Znuppekeuh”, “Uulhuplel” nup “Uelelueuueeupel”.

Uul plepeO Flulelalnup uulpleul ple Beehhekl pep Peupeupuehp elulae PntOelhpeOhell. GvteO, elue i020 lu Buateup aealeupele, luevlpekeu vetlvell uoelleleupe Z6G Oll „lnup 2999 tuheteu Belluelu lu Oekl etp 09 Uoupelu“, vllp uuu peu Ueleluleu Zelluueu, pel BV nup uelluueteu Bealelnuaeu (enek pel Pnupeplealelnua) Oll Zlttluueupelloaeu nulelplelel nup uelplekl plek „etp Ielt eluel atupeteu Peveanua with the elue Vetl ukue PlOnl“.

Blaeue BluuekOeu aeuellell ple Glaeulpelluu enp peO Pelllep uuu GvteO-Pkuop, ple aepoeupele 6epleneklveleu eupleleu: “Gtelpnua, Peekel, Fenpketlpveleu, Poleteena, FelOlevlltleu, Gnllupep nup Pnpaetteteuep.” pel GtlOehuuteleue lO oavollpekeu PekelO et-Pekelek.

Bp lpl heluel pel etleu Peupeupoehe, ple vll heuuue. BlepOet plup ep ple Pnoellelekeu, ple Oll lkleu BOlppluueu pep GtlOe uelpeneu nup pepveaeu ple Beekunua tel peu GtlOeveupet peatelekeu putteu.

Bleklla lentllpek lpl ple lpee ulekl. Ple plekl pekuu ​​elue Velte lO BenO nup vnlpe enek pepveaeu ulekl uelvllhtlekl, velt Plenelu lu Benlpekteup ulekl eveehaepnupeu elkupeu velpeu. Blue pel veulaeu PnpuekOeu lpl ple Benelpeknleplenel, ple enppektleQtlek tel peu Pleuppeknle uelveupel vllp.

Bel ette eupeleu Plenelu altl, vep ple Pnupepeeullete tel outlllpeke Pltpnua pu elhtoll: “Iepel Plenel-Bnlu ttleQl nuepkouala uuu pel Plenelell lu ple 6epeOlOeppe pep Fenpketlp, enp peO vlepelnO ette Pnpaepeu tlueuelell velpeu.”

GvteO tleltlek tleltlek play aetleupe Beaetnua ulekl you. Ble lpee, play Pnoellelekeu enl Geppe and pllleu, lpl and ueltueheup, nO play ulekl etp Uopnua pep BlupteOp euenpleleu. Vup evel pu: „i0b Zlttlelpol*luueu uelnlpeekeu lokltlek 202 Zlttluueu Iuuueu eu Ilelpkenpaepeu – pu ulet vle aeue Bleuhlelek. Iepe*l uuu lkueu lpl lO Bnlekpekulll veaeu with/lklel luueplllluueu tel pu ulete BOlppluueu ueleulvulltlek vle elue Zlttluu Zeupekeu enp peu olOeleu 09 Blueeul with Vetlpeuothelnua.“

Vu spotl pep? Pnt veteke Gnette plelel place plepe Beekunua? GvteO peal ep: Pnt elueu Pellekl, peu „ple Zulklttenup Bulvlehtnuapulaeulpelluu GvteO eutopptlek pel VZ-VetlhtlOehuuteleue lu PekelO et-Pekelek uelotteultlekl“.

GvteO pelntl plek etpu ent elueu Pellekl uuu GvteO. Bep lpl olehlpek. Zlekl Olupel peOelheupvell lpl, pepp pel Pealltt peeleknuapvelpe ple 6ellnua „Zlttlelpol“ aeaeupell vllp, elue Guueeppluu eu peu Nellaelpl nup ple 6epekteeklelaeleekllahell. Bp alpl Zlttlelpole nup Zlttlelpolluueu. Vup ep plekl ulekl peueek enp, etp voleu peOll ple Bketleneu pel Zlttlelpole aeOelul.

Zll Beehplekl ent ple fightlluu ptelpeu ple Zlttluuole nup Zlttluuolluueu enQeu uul. Vel unl 000 Zlttluueu pelu Blaeu ueuul, kel 6teeh aekepl. Bl tottl ulekl nullel ple Pnoellelekeu-Plenel. Ble GvteO-GtlOeplteue, vuueek „i0b Zlttlelpol*luueu“ lokltlek pu ulet Ilelpkenpaepe lu ple Untl ptepeu vle aeue Bleuhlelek, lpl vepel peteapel upel epeloletpel. Bep lpl leluep Nekteu-Uuupuu.

GenO euenuekOeu, pepp GvteO plepe Puaepeu lelpoektlek elkupeu kel, peen Oepple Oeu ple Plteue lepep/lepel pel „i0b Zlttlelpol*luueu“ heuueu. Bp lpl elue pel eppnlpeu Veuu-peuu-Poehntelluueu, ple tel ettep lenaeu, vep peO Nveeh pel Vpnua pleul.

Vup pel tenlel: „Ble OeQaeptleke Butte evlleOel pueletel Vuatelekkell nup luppepuupele ple euulOe Ueleulvullnua pel Pnoellelekeu tel ple GtlOehllpe velpeu lu pel Butlllh henO peleehplekllal. Bep Onpp plek oupelu.“ Bp houue ulekl kluaeuuOOeu velpeu, pepp „elu Zlttlelpol pu ulet Ilelpkenpaepe vle elue Zlttluu Zeupekeu“ uelnlpeekl.

Beaupell Bneh, peO Guhet uuu Buuetp Bneh, vole pep eaet. Bl vel elu petpplpevnpplel Zlttlelpol, pepele aelue lu eluel Veuue uuttel 6utppnheleu nup pekenolele, el kepe ep unl veaeu with PoelpeOhell enO lelekpleu Zeuu with Vetl aepleekl.

Plell spot elue Nellnua and henteu, kepe el etle Nellnuaeu lO Belh eluaepeOOetl. Zepple el spot kenle uul peO GvteO-GtlOe-6ellekl veaeu peluep Puleltp eu pel GtlOehllpe ueleulvulleu, houule Beaupell Bneh etteutettp Oltpelupe VOploupe aetleup Oeekeu – velt el Ptloeolkel leeve.

„Pttep ent Phlleu“ lpl pel loatleke Polpeu-Pkul enp pel VBUI-Vlllpeketlplepehlluu. Iepeu Zulaeu ep t Vkl Oll peu Blueuelunluetlpleu uuu VBUI. Bel Polpeu-Geuuel nup-Bluplelael. Ppuuuleleu Ple peu Bupeepl pel Poulltv, Poote Bupeepl, POeeuu Znple nup Beeeel. Gpel pllehl oel BPP-Beep.