A 17-year-old boy varetektsfengsles in a week after Tuesday’s stabbing in Greenland in Oslo. It enlightens politiadvokat Ingvild Myrvold to the Newspaper.

17-year-old is charged with assault with intent to kill, and are also subject to the letter – and besøkskontroll under varetektsperioden. To his defense, advokatJan Erik Teigum, says that his client refuses straffskyld.

at the same time 18-year-old was stabbed repeatedly with a knife on the open street is still at Ullevål hospital. He is seriously injured, but stable. In addition to the 17-year-old is a 19 year old man charged with attempted murder. He is currently not produced for imprisonment.

STABBING: A person was seriously injured in knivstikkingen in Greenland. Reporter: Øistein Monsen, video: Bjørn Langsem / DagbladetVis more Show more Well known for the police

17-year-old who now is ” I is a familiar face for the police. Despite his young age, he has previously been indicted for both knivtrusler robbery, violence and drugs.

He held the knife first against the NNs (fornærmedes name, journ.anm.) the torso and then towards his throat, called it an indictment against 17-year-old. The event should have taken place at a school in Oslo in the autumn of 2017.

Much blood

the Newspaper was Tuesday night in contact with several witnesses who were on Greenland when the knivstikkingen took place. One of them was at work close by, when he heard someone scream outside.

I didn’t know if it was bickering or pain, ” says the witness to the Newspaper.

Abdi (35) came out of the shop next to the scene a short time after that knivstikkingen happened. He tells of the dramatic scenes.

– I saw a man sitting on the ground. There was a lot of blood, and he kept to the abdomen. I also saw several people who ran from the place, he says to Dagbladet.

does not rule out more

Myrvold says Wednesday evening that police are still investigating the occasion of yesterday’s stabbing. The charged 19-year-old will is presented for varetektsfengsling in the morning.

the Case is being investigated still. The police got including information about that it could be more gjerningspersoner when they were on the scene yesterday. The hypothesis is somewhat weakened, but we exclude it not, ” says politiadvokaten.

She confirms that those involved are known to police from previous, but do not want to comment for what conditions. She also will not say whether police have control of the weapons that were used during Tuesday’s event.

18-year-old critically injured after stabbing