the Police in Oslo are scrutinising Tuesday evening, the Greenland and nearby areas in search of a supposed offender for a stabbing in Motzfeldts Street next to the Greenland market square. Two men, both of whom are Norwegian citizens, is already arrested after the incident.
A man is transported to Ullevål hospital with serious injuries. Innsatsleder on the spot, Tore Barstad, says that the man has been stabbed three times.
At 22: 30 hours informing operasjonsleder Gjermund Stokkli to the newspaper Dagbladet that the injured is an 18-year-old man. The two pågrepne are 17 and 19 years.
They are well known to the police from earlier, says operasjonslederen, who adds that they are finished with the investigations at the site and interrogation of witnesses.
The two who are arrested will also be questioned. The condition of the 18-year-old is still critical, said Stokkli.
At midnight enlightens vaktleder by kriminalvakta in Oslo, Arne Kaspersen, to NTB that the injured are outside the danger of death.
STABBING: the Police in Oslo are scrutinising Tuesday night Greenland after a stabbing in Motzfeldts Street. Video: Bjørn Langsem / DagbladetVis more Show more Unclear what happened
Three people were observed running from the location after the incident. The police have control of two of these, while the third is on the loose. It is unclear whether or not he was involved in the actual knivstikkingen, but the police want to get in touch with him.
We do not know anything about the course of the conflict, but are now working frantically to collect videoovervåkningsmateriale and scouring garbage cans in search of the weapon that has been used, said Barstad to Dagbladet at the venue earlier in the evening.
the Police will not yet say whether the incident is gjengrelatert.
SEARCH: Police used among other dogs in the search for weapons and gjerningspersoner. Photo: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet Show more
It was just after the clock 19 that the message about knivstikkingen came to the police. Several witnesses were on the site when the incident happened.
Much blood
Dagbladet has been in contact with several witnesses that were on the site. One of them was at work close by, when he heard someone scream outside.
I didn’t know if it was bickering or pain, ” says the witness to the Newspaper.
Abdi (35) came out of the shop next to the scene a short time after that knivstikkingen took place. He tells of the dramatic scenes.
– I saw a man sitting on the ground. There was a lot of blood, and he kept to the abdomen. I also saw several people who ran from the place, he says to Dagbladet.
BLOOD: Several people have been witness to knivstikkingen. Blood trails left in the snow. Photo: Bjørn Langsem / Dagbladet Show more