“64 complaints about aggressive dogs – just in Kalmar”
“a little more than half a year has been 64 incidents with aggressive dogs notified to the County administrative board in Kalmar.”
“26 reported cases about dogs that attack people, writes the Barometer.”
“A dog bites and kills another dog. Another bites a boy in the face. And the two dogs attacking another dog, so that the loss of one eye.”
“It is some of the notifications received by the provincial government since July 1, 2018, and as the Barometer examined. “
“most of The notifications is all about free running dogs, in different ways, gone to the attack or behaved threateningly towards people and other dogs. “
“Schäferhundar appear in several of the 64 notifications, but also mixed breeds and labrador, kungspudel, chihuahua, bulldog and pittbull. “
“On 1 June 2018 took cabs in the country over the responsibility to investigate and decide on possible injunctive relief against the notified dog owners. The decisions can be about a muzzle or an environmental protection area, but in the most serious cases on the disposal or hundförbud, which is also enforced by the county board.”