It can be difficult to get around in the surrounding area or into town when you live in the country without a car and bus service. However, the restriction takes 95-year-old Anna Larsen is not so heavy.

Closer, on the contrary. For according to her there is nothing more natural than to hitchhike a lift.

– When I go into town to trade and such, then I take the thumb, says Anna Larsen to TV2 ØSTJYLLAND.

In the Odder Municipality would like to provide better opportunities for hitchhikers as 95-year-old Anna Larsen. Therefore, they have been searching about the possibility to get set up so-called blafferstoppesteder, as is seen in nabokommunen Skanderborg.

But the road directorate has said no to setting up multiple blafferstoppesteder. And it is the Danish road directorate, who shall give the authorization to put the road signs up. The explanatory memorandum reads:

– the Danish road directorate states that are not granted additional waivers to the configuration of the sign of ’Blafferstoppested’ (or similar signage) along the public roads(…). It is reported that there are many traffic terms, which must be considered in connection with the establishment of a blafferpunkt.

In Otter give not up so easily. Therefore, Conservative Martin Mikkelsen has come up with an idea, where you can circumvent the rules of the Danish road directorate: Blafferbænke.

– My experience is that I often discover blafferne too late, but if you know there is a real place, the people are standing, so you can set up on it before you come thither, says councillor Martin Mikkelsen (Kons.) to TV2 ØSTJYLLAND.

the rules to put the benches up along the public road is less restrictive compared with the signage.

– It is a painless thing to pick people up, if you are already out running. And so it is natural to start conversations and reinforce the social cohesion that we meet some other than the ones we usually associate, ” says Martin Mikkelsen (Kons.) to TV2 ØSTJYLLAND.

the Municipality driftafdeling has already made five benches available, which will cost in the region of 6000 dollars to repair. Belutningen is now in the Environment, Engineering and Klimaudvalget, who considers the money well can be found.

– There are already samkørselskultur in the day, and it would be exciting if we could support and develop the culture much more. And I like the idea that we are aware of to help each other, but also reach and ask for help, says Martin Mikkelsen.

depending on how it is decided to place the benches, then the 95-year-old hitchhiker positive about the opportunity:

– It would be very good, if there comes out here, where I live, she says.

Anna lives in Gylling and has for many years taken the real trip to Horsens to take care of his antikbutik in the city centre. But when she, years ago, no longer able to run on his scooter, she had to find another solution. Buses on the line was that none of the.

– I have not used the scooter in a while, for I have got some pills, and they are not so good, when you have to drive the scooter, she says.

Why is it in the site forward with tomlen and and gåpåmodet. Just outside of the city limits to Gylling why she has stuck blaffested:

– The longest I have stood, was a short time. It is, of course, not so nice in the winter.

In the meantime, Anna Larsen, however, chosen to move its antikbutik to the home in Gylling, but blafferturene she continues with:

– I think it is positive mostly. I have not been out for anything. The people are so nice. So there is nothing else, than to use the thumb, says the 95-year-old.