When you walk in the door on the Fynslundskolen in Burnaby to the west of Kolding, you are greeted by a note. On the banknote, the appeal is that parents allow the smartphone to lie is present, when the family is gathered.

the Debate has been running for 2.d, and after it saw the light of day, it has been shown that the trend is more comprehensive than that.

– It is 80 percent of the class, who are experiencing problems with absent parents, says teacher 2.d on Fynslundskolen Hanne Holm Johansen to Ekstra Bladet.

According to Hanne Holm Johansen, it is especially during dinner, or while having family time with movies for the evening, the trend is the worst.

– We adults think that we can sit with our smartphone, without the children noticing it. We can not, therefore, says Hanne Holm Johansen and adds:

– Either hear the parents are not what children says, or they say ‘huh’ several times.

A random talk about audiobooks in the classroom led to one of the students described her parents as absent.

the Conversation went, and after a short time it appeared that the majority of the class experienced the same problem. In cooperation with the pupils wrote Hanne Holm Johansen the bill, which now hang in several places in the school and has been shared on the school intranet and Facebook.

– I’m aware that habits do not change overnight. It is a process, but I feel that it is important that the conversation be held in time, says Hanne Holm Johansen.

She says that the parents have taken the ’tremendous good’ against the message, and that there has not been any acidic mines.

– Slip is written with a twinkle in his eye, but it must at the same time be taken seriously, and I think also, that they have been able to see, she says.

Hanne Holm Johansen, together with the class to continuously evaluate, whether the parents take the message and change their mobilvaner.

– We must help each other. It is important that we are role models for our children, says Hanne Holm Johansen and adds that she hopes that the message will spread to other regions than just Fynslundskolen.

She also calls for each family to make rules for when the smartphone is, and when it is not.

One must keep in mind that it is for the children’s sake, finish the Hanne Holm Johansen.